Chapter 95: The big guy's little cutie (23)

Chapter 95 The big guy's little cutie (23)

Those teenagers obviously shifted their interest to Bai Cha.

At that time, for them, Ning Feng was superfluous.

The man in the lead looked at Bai Cha with a smile, and looked up and down unscrupulously.

The little girl who can make Zhou Qinghuan fancy must have something special.

Just looking at this face makes me feel extremely delicate and beautiful.

Evil thoughts surged in my heart.

Without waiting for Cha Cha to say anything, Qi Qi was already furious, 【Ahhh! kill him! 】 Hit him until he can't get up!

Chacha, "...Be good, calm down."

We want to be a good boy with good manners.

Holding the milk tea, she calmly glanced at the teenagers.

Ning Feng, who was beside him, was so anxious that he leaned into Chacha's ear and whispered, "When I start with them later, you can go before the chaos."

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Ning Feng with tangled eyes for a while.

She chewed on the pearl and replied vaguely, "Ning..."

Oh yes, you can't call Brother Ning.

"Xiao Ningzi, I'm here to save you!"

As Xiao Ningzi's tea brother, it is necessary for her to stand up at a critical moment!

Ning Feng was suddenly silent, "You, you can call me Ning Feng." What is the situation of Xiao Ningzi?

Ahhh, is this the time to discuss this?

"Hey, little sister-in-law, it's very dangerous here, don't..."

After Chacha finished drinking the milk tea and made sure that she had drank everything inside, she put the paper cup in Ning Feng's hand, and she interrupted his words gently with her eyes, "Honey, Xiao Fengzi, find a trash can and throw it away. Now, Brother Tea, teach them to be human!"

The teenagers burst into laughter when they heard this.

"Just you? Also teach us how to behave? Why don't we teach you how to serve..."

"You're so annoying!" Cha Cha took the milk tea cup from the panic-stricken Ning Feng and smashed it directly at the man.

blocked the man's next words.

Immediately, the man let out a scream.

"Ah - it hurts!"

He touched his forehead in horror, the sticky blood smeared his hands, and the pungent smell of blood began to spread in his nose.

After three seconds, he roared violently, "Hit! Hit me hard!"

He was actually smashed with blood by a little girl?

What the hell?

Will he still hang out in the future?

These people are calling him the boss, is he shameless?

Ning Feng was dumbfounded and wondered how strong his little sister-in-law was. Is the milk tea cup made of iron blocks?

Before he could react, he saw the soft little sister-in-law and threw one with each hand.

In less than a minute, the few people fell to the ground and cried in pain.

Ning Feng, "!!!"

Confused, embarrassed!

He reached out and rubbed his eyes, oh, it's real.


He reached out and pinched himself again.

Oh, it hurts a bit.

It hurts! ! !

Little sister-in-law is amazing!

Ning Feng looked at the little sister-in-law in front of him with bright eyes, she was more agile than his brother Zhou!

Brother Cha! Blow it up!

Chacha seemed to feel something, turned around and gave Ning Feng a loving look, "Xiao Fengzi, am I handsome?"

Little madman, the name "..."... um... very good!

Brother Cha has a different nickname!

Ning Xiao Lun nodded frantically, "Handsome! So handsome!"

"Then I compare you to Brother Zhou, who is more handsome?" Cha Cha looked at him expectantly.

Ning Feng, "What do you need to say? Of course, Brother Cha is the most handsome!"

This is so special, who can resist being stared at by the wet eyes of the little sister-in-law?

In the second shift, Ning Lunzi is asking for tickets online.

(end of this chapter)