Chapter 97: The big guy's little cutie (25)

Chapter 97 The big guy's little cutie (25)

Hearing Zhou Qinghuan say this, Cha Cha felt inexplicably guilty.

Her pretty eyes twinkled.

I just didn't dare to look at Zhou Qinghuan in an open and honest way.

She was holding milk tea, and Qiqi just reminded her that Ning Feng was in danger.


So in order to perfectly show Brother Cha's majestic side, she ran over to save Ning Feng.

As for Zhou Qinghuan who is buying lollipops.

woo, she was so excited that she forgot the person there.

At this moment, facing Zhou Qinghuan, her beautiful eyes turned and a flash of light flashed in her mind.

She stared straight at Zhou Qinghuan, walked over with small steps, stood in front of the boy, and tugged at the corner of his shirt with her small white paws, "Brother Zhou, don't you get angry?"

Zhou Xiaoba, who was so angry, disarmed and surrendered in an instant.

Either angry or unhappy.

Her crunchy elder brother Zhou is soft and soft, with a touch of sweetness.

What else can he say?

If he gets angry again, is he still a person?

You can't get mad at the cutie.


Xiaoba Zhou cast his gaze on Ning Feng with a cold face.

Ning Feng was stunned and reacted very quickly. He pointed at the few people who were still squatting by the wall, "Brother Zhou, they wanted to hit me, thanks to Brother Cha who arrived in time to knock them down!"

I I I I am a victim, none of my business!

Zhou Qinghuan snorted coldly, "You're such a big man, how dare you let a little girl come to your rescue? Are you embarrassed?"

Ning Feng, "..." Actually, I'm really embarrassed.

Especially after seeing the abilities of the little sister-in-law.

I think...a dozen or one hundred is no problem.

But he dared not say it.

But he didn't want to, Cha Cha explained aloud, "Hey, Brother Zhou, don't be mad at him, Xiao Fengzi is in charge of appearance, intelligence and ability are not important, he can sell his face quietly, that's all! We don't ask too much. "

Ning Feng looked at Cha Cha with an indescribable expression.

"..." Brother Cha, you really know how to talk!

What is intelligence and ability not important?

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qinghuan inserted another knife, "Well, it makes sense."

Ning Feng, "!!!" I think you are bullying me, and I have some evidence!

But I really can’t beat these two, forget it, just pretend you didn’t hear it!

Speaking of this, Zhou Qinghuan really didn't expect that these people were so daring to stop Ning Feng?

He suddenly thought of the latest rumors.

Tsk, those messy rumors are false at first glance, how bad are these people's minds to think that he and Ning Feng have broken up? ? ?

"Brother Zhou..."

The boy led by    gave a trembling cry.

I always feel that in the future, Zhou Qinghuan will walk sideways around here!

I'm so powerful, and there's another little devil who makes a neat move...


Zhou Qinghuan's eyes were full of anger, which was completely different from when he was facing Chacha.

"Don't call me that, I can't afford it.

Take advantage of Ning Feng while I'm not around? Did I hit hard enough last time? "

"...No no no no! No, misunderstanding!"

"Yes, yes, it's all a misunderstanding, we just want to chat with Brother Ning about life."


Ning Feng rolled his eyes, "Cut!"

Talk about life? Who is talking about life with a stick?

Suddenly, Cha Cha looked strangely not far away, and she shouted, "Why didn't you come?"

Zhou Qinghuan and Ning Feng subconsciously looked at Cha Cha, and then they saw a few teenagers not far away.

The head of them is dyed with green hair, which is particularly conspicuous.

Ning Feng narrowed his eyes, "Brother Zhou, they are all in the same group!"

Chacha looked at the few people who came over with a smile, and seriously refuted Ning Feng, "Xiao Fengzi, don't say that, these people are good people. Last time, they gave me a lot of money!"

One more update.

Ask for tickets online!

Thank you Mingyue Breeze for the reward, alright~

(end of this chapter)