Chapter 98: The big guy's little cutie (26)

Chapter 98 The big guy's little cutie (26)

After seeing the harmless little girl laughing, those people almost cried on the spot.

When they saw her, they planned to run away.

Which would have thought.

The little girl's eyes were too sharp, and they were discovered with just one glance.

In this case, they couldn't run, so they had to bite the bullet and come over.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the little girl's crisp words.

“…” Good guy?

How on earth do we hang out with good people?

Ning Feng's eyes swept back and forth over those people, and thought about what Brother Cha just said.

Something seemed to flash through his mind.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Cha? Are you the little girl who robbed at the entrance of the alley that night... for the people?"

Ning Feng, he is particularly clever in terms of his desire to survive.

Know what to say nicely, and what to say is easy to offend people.

As soon as he said this, a look of pride appeared on Cha Cha's face.

"In your eyes, I turned out to be a good person who eliminated harm for the people? Xiao Fengzi, you are very discerning!"

Ning Feng did not hesitate to tout it on the spot.

Although he and Brother Zhou didn't see anyone that night, they could tell what happened by hearing.

Several bad boys lost their wives and lost their soldiers.

was taught a terrible lesson, and was also swept away by the money in his pocket.

Tsk, this kind of thing, he just wanted to say well done.

Now, he knew that the little girl was none other than his brother tea.

At this moment, his admiration for Brother Cha is like a surging river!

"Brother Cha, you are my goddess!"

"Brother Cha, you are so handsome!"


Zhou Qinghuan pinched his eyebrows, the coldness on his face could almost freeze to death, he lightly kicked Ning Feng with a dark face, "Shut up!"

What are you shouting about?

That's your little sister-in-law!

Ning Feng looked aggrieved at Brother Zhou and then at Brother Tea.

Brother Zhou, I'm sorry.

I choose Brother Cha.

After all, Brother Cha is soft, well-behaved and gentle and won't kick me.

He ran behind Cha Cha, "Brother Cha, Brother Zhou, he won't let me praise you."

That way, the deceitful one looks like a traitor.

Chacha, who was touted as being happy, looked at Zhou Qinghuan with a small face.

"Why don't you let him praise me? Is it because he didn't praise you, you are unhappy?" So don't let Xiao Fengzi praise me?

I tell you, you are wrong.

You will be usurped by me!

Zhou Xiaoba had a dark face and gave Ning Feng a grim look at Ning Feng who was hiding behind him.

Speaking of dark hearts, Ning Feng is still no match for a big tailed wolf like Zhou Qinghuan.

Just listen to Zhou Xiaoba calmly say, "I bought you a bunch of lollipops of different flavors, do you still want to eat them?"

Chacha's eyes lit up, and his wet eyes looked at him expectantly, "Mmmm!" I want to eat!

That looks, well-behaved outrageous.

is completely different from the angry tea tea just now.

Ning Feng watched helplessly as Brother Cha was coaxed by Brother Zhou with a lollipop to forget him.

Ning Feng, "???"

So, Brother Zhou is his Brother Zhou!


"Brother Zhou, I think, Brother Cha and you are a family anyway. Isn't it the same for everyone who praises you?"

Zhou Qinghuan sneered.

For someone's sake, he didn't bother to care.

Besides, what Ning Feng said was indeed the truth.

He and Cha Cha would have been a family, they were the same...don't care too much.

It's these two gangsters.

needs to be handled properly.

2nd Geng, an author who has diarrhea enough to stand up, ask for tickets online ≥﹏≤

(end of this chapter)