Chapter 110: The big guy's little cutie (38)

Chapter 110 The big guy's little cutie (38)

It turns out.

Chacha's words are much more ruthless than Zhou Qinghuan's.

Because after she finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and made a call in front of everyone.

And he said that the post caused his heart to be hurt, and the various effects it had on his life.

Until he hung up the phone, the surrounding students were still in a state of confusion.

Is she really playing? ? ?

I saw the sweet and soft little girl put the phone back in her pocket.

Then he took out a bag of dried fruit and sat there to eat.

After half a minute.

Chacha raised his eyes and swept around in astonishment, full of puzzlement, "What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qinghuan let out a cold snort.

seems to be shocking.

Suddenly those people looked back.

At the same time, he took a few more glances, and in a class, he found a few people whose expressions were obviously not right.

A sneer traced the corner of his lips.

Come to think of it, will you be restless next time?

After about five minutes.

Cha Cha sighed heavily again, "Brother Zhou, do you think the person who posted this post will go to jail?"

Her voice was not loud, but the classroom was so quiet that many people could hear it.

Zhou Qinghuan replied calmly, "Probably not, but there will be a stain on the file, and it will be followed for a lifetime."

Ning Feng glanced at the two of them quietly.

can't help but gasp.

Hiss, give the big brother who posted a piece of wax!

I really can't think of it. I can't think of it.

If    offended him, at most he would make a fuss and beat him hard.

But this offends Brother Cha...

The consequences are really not that big.

Another few minutes passed.

Cha Cha took another pack of dried fruit.


Dried mango!

Zhou Qinghuan smiled as he watched his little cutie eat, and glanced at her pocket from time to time.

It seems that she will never guess what more she will pull out of her pocket!

Chacha has always been very sensitive to his pockets.

The movement of her hands paused slightly, and she looked at Zhou Qinghuan suspiciously, but hesitated.

After struggling for a while, she said, "Brother Zhou, if you want to eat, I, I can give you a pack." You don't have to stare at my pocket like that.

This feeling of being remembered...not very good.

"Huh? What are you going to give me?" Zhou Qinghuan looked at her with a smile.

The appearance of the little girl, no matter when he looks at it, can make him feel restless.

Hearing this, Chacha handed over the colorful packaging bag in his hand without hesitation.

"Dried mango."


"It tastes great!"

"Chacha is really good, will Brother Zhou take you to dinner at noon?"

"No, let's get rid of the post first!"

"Yes, then I'll wait with you, I guess someone will come soon."


The two of them sang and harmonized, and they cooperated very tacitly, and there was no problem with this dialogue at all.

Ning Feng looked at the dried mango.

His eyes lit up, and he leaned over, "Brother Cha? I want to eat it too."

Cha Cha gave him a look, "???"

"No more." The soft voice was crisp and clear.

Ning Feng, "..." I'm so...  

Ok, farewell!

Zhou Qinghuan was in a very happy mood. In Chacha's heart, he was really different from others.

Three minutes later.

A girl suddenly cried out with a wow.

looks terrified.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to... I didn't know it would attract so many people to talk nonsense..."

Cha Cha held his chin and looked at the girl who was so frightened by her and Zhou Qinghuan that she took the initiative to admit her mistake.

Look, she is still witty.

Pretend to make a phone call and scare the poster out!

One more update, ask for tickets online.

(end of this chapter)