Chapter 111: The big guy's little cutie (39)

Chapter 111 The big guy's little cutie (39)

Zhou Qinghuan smiled and took out a candy from his pocket and sent it to Chacha.

"Reward yours."

His Cha Cha is really smart.

In just a few words, people were so frightened that they cried and ran out to admit their mistakes.

Unfortunately, this attitude of admitting mistakes is not very sincere.

Chacha put the sugar in her pocket, her eyes fell on Zhou Qinghuan, she thanked her very seriously, "Thank you, Brother Zhou."

Ning Feng stood beside him, not knowing what to say with complicated emotions.

The person who posted the post took the initiative to come out! ! !

At times like this, shouldn’t we rush over and teach us a lesson?

The two of you suddenly show your love here, what the hell? Could you please respect them melon eaters?

Perhaps his gaze was too resentful.

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Ning Feng.

"Xiao Fengzi, remember to learn the routine with your tea brother!"

"What? Routines?" Wait, didn't she just call the police?

Ning Feng opened his eyes wide, looked at her in disbelief, and then looked at Brother Zhou with an inscrutable face, "..."

I think I may be a superfluous person.

I am not fit to be a light bulb among you.

He took a step back silently, glanced around, and finally landed on the girl.

The girl was still crying in the seat, and her crying sounded miserable.

But around her, no one dared to go up to comfort her. First, she was shocked by what she did, and second, she was afraid of Zhou Xiaoba.

Chacha took out the sugar, slowly peeled it off, and stuffed it into his mouth.

“…” is sweet.

The candy given by Brother Zhou is also delicious.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qinghuan also took advantage of the situation to sit down, and neither of them wanted to go to the teacher to ask for guilt.

Ning Feng looked more and more confused.

And the girl in front, the crying gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped crying.

"Are you finished crying?" she shouted at the girl in front of her.

Her voice was not loud, soft and glutinous, but it was mixed with a bit of coldness.

The girl slowly turned her head and looked at Cha Cha with tears in her eyes, "Bai, Bai Cha, can you, can you forgive me? I really don't want to leave stains on the file, I... I just want to clear A clean graduation..."

Zhou Qinghuan's face suddenly turned cold, his big hand with well-defined joints slapped heavily on the table.

Cha Cha hurriedly said to comfort, "Brother Zhou, be gentle, be good, listen to me first."

woo, fortunately, she ate her candy ahead of time, otherwise she would be frightened by her brother Zhou and fall to the ground again.

Immediately, Zhou Xiaoba really softened his expression very gently.

The entire classroom was amazed.

expressed his conviction to Bai Cha from the bottom of his heart, and with a single word, Zhou Xiaoba turned into a little milk dog...

is really amazing!

I don't know what kind of ecstasy she gave Zhou Xiaoba!

And the girl who posted the post was obviously aware of this problem.

As long as you talk about the white tea, this matter may be over.

Thinking of this, she started to shed tears again, and she felt wronged.

Cha Cha frowned, looking very unhappy.

What a pretentious girl!

"What the **** are you crying for? I didn't beat you, scold you, and bully you. Now I'm the victim, okay? If you cry, it should be me crying. Are you pretending to be fake?"

Simple and straightforward remarks directly smashed the girl into a dazed look.

"…………"you you you! Shouldn't you be generous after seeing me cry so sadly, and then forgive me?

What is this special development?

Two more.

ah ah ah ah, ask for tickets online.

(end of this chapter)