Chapter 112: The big guy's little cutie (40)

Chapter 112 The big guy's little cutie (40)

Seeing her staring at him in confusion.

Cha Cha's lips moved slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

"Huh? Are you waiting for me to show a generous look, forgive you?"

Girl, "..." is.

Isn't that what normal development is like?

Chacha's conversation changed.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm very stingy.

I have always had vengeance and revenge, and I have always repaid my kindness. I don’t owe anything to others, but I don’t accept that others owe me anything. "

"To tell you bluntly, I don't plan to forgive you. Although I didn't call the police just now, it is still necessary to tell the grade director about this and give you a punishment."

If you do something wrong, you will pay the price.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and tears fell with a slap. Seeing that Chacha's words didn't seem like a joke, she was immediately anxious.

's mood was even more like a roller coaster. Hearing that there was no call to the police, I didn't have time to rejoice. I slammed it and smashed her into a daze.


Isn't that still going to be recorded on the file?

"We are classmates? I know I'm wrong, can't you give me another chance? I can guarantee that there will be no next time!" She said anxiously, her face full of panic.

partial birth.

Bai Cha still didn't have much reaction, just looked at her so straightly.

Those eyes were clear and translucent, as if they could see clearly the sin in the heart of man.

Almost subconsciously, the girl lowered her head and pulled at her tablemate and a few classmates around her, "You guys, please tell me, I really know I'm wrong, I didn't mean it."

Tears fell again. I have been in the same class for two years, but I still have some feelings, "Student Bai Cha, why don't you give her a chance! We will solve this matter privately, there is no need to make trouble to the school..."

The rest also followed suit.

Ning Feng's face changed with anger, "!!!" What a mess?

Why give her a chance!

He tilted his head to look at Brother Cha, begging in his heart that Brother Cha would never forgive that girl.

looks like a bitch, not a good person at all.

Chacha suddenly laughed when he heard these people's words.

The well-behaved little girl smiled helplessly, "Why are you so funny?"

"It didn't happen to you, why did you ask me to forgive her? Since they say it so nicely, let's make it clear now!"

Chacha's serious eyes swept around, and finally landed on the girl.

"Since you have stood up and admitted that you posted the post, then you can answer me a few questions! After answering, I will consider whether to forgive you."


"First: Has there been any intersection between us before this? Did I say a word to you?

Second: Where did you see that Brother Zhou and I were in a relationship?

Third: How did you know that Xiao Fengzi likes me?

Fourth: Why do you think the two of them have turned against each other for me now?

Fifth: Did you want to post this post, or did someone instruct you to post it?

Sixth: You keep asking me to forgive you, tsk, but I didn't see the sincerity of your apology from the beginning to the end. Instead, I cried and cried on purpose to distract everyone! "

Clearly organized tea, online again.

She lost all six questions.

lowered his head and touched his pocket again, as if he was looking for candy, so he could eat a candy to ease his mood.

But, the pockets are empty... nothing.

Chacha's mood gradually became a little irritable.

Three shifts, remember to vote.

Today's Chacha is a well-organized and unusual Chacha.

Chacha: No sugar, not happy! So today, I am super fierce!

(end of this chapter)