Chapter 113: The big guy's little cutie (41)

Chapter 113 The big guy's little cutie (41)

No more sugar.

there is none left.


She lowered her eyes, her eyes full of displeasure.

As if there was an indescribable gloom all over his body.

The girl was stunned by Chacha's six questions and stood there in a daze, wondering if she was thinking about the problem or what to do next.

The classroom is full of silence.

No one dared to interrupt at this time.

No one is a fool. After Chacha's six questions came up, the students who were talking to the girl were also stunned for a while.

There are indeed many doubts about this matter.

Anyway, it’s not easy to justify it.

They quietly glanced at Zhou Xiaoba again.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaoba's face was obviously not good, therefore, no one dared to say another word.

They sat in their seats honestly, silently reflecting on whether they were deliberately pulled out by the girl.

Zhou Qinghuan, who was always paying attention to Chacha, naturally also noticed Chacha's movements.

and a sudden change of mood.

He frowned and called out uncertainly, "Chacha."

This time, the little girl didn't look at him with wet eyes as before.

As if he didn't hear, he didn't move, didn't say a word. .

He shouted again, "Chacha?"

"Chacha?" Zhou Qinghuan suddenly felt a sense of unease in his heart.

He got up quickly, walked to her side and squatted down, trying to look at her lowered head.

The little girl suddenly glanced at him at this moment.

The bottom of his eyes is no longer pure and innocent, like a layer of mist, dark and unclear, and his emotions are obviously wrong.

His heart tensed, and he was about to take a closer look when he realized that she had lowered her head again.

Zhou Qinghuan was so panicked.

His thoughts ran fast.

The transformation of her emotions is very fast.

After she said those words, at least she was in a normal mood, that is to say, in just two minutes, something went wrong.

He quickly replayed the image just now in his mind over and over again.

In a trance, I caught something.

He took out a lollipop from his pocket, and tugged at the corner of her clothes with the other hand, "Chacha? Candy?" His voice was soft and outrageous, as if it could drip water.

After two seconds.

's little fluffy head moved.

One of the candies in his hand was taken away.

The little girl tore open the package neatly, her two little paws with a bit of urgency.

It wasn't until the candy was stuffed into her mouth that her displeasure was relieved, and her mood was barely better.

Another moment passed.

Cha Cha raised his head and looked at Zhou Qinghuan.

"Brother Zhou, sugar is very sweet."

The soft and waxy voice hides a bit of cuteness.

Wet eyes stared straight at him, and he couldn't see any difference from his previous appearance.

Zhou Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that his tea tea is addicted to sugar to a terrible level?

But he's not sure yet...

At this moment, the girl seemed to be unable to stand the dull, oppressive and trembling atmosphere, and cried, "I... really have nothing to do with me, it's the school girl, the post that the school girl asked me to post, and I was obsessed with it for a while. , take advantage!"

She is really scared!

The school tyrant clearly cares about white tea.

And Bai Cha is not a little girl to coax, look at the few questions I just said, every question hits the nail on the head!

In case she really gets into the school, she has no background and no family background, what should she do?

Never should never, should not be fascinated...

One more update, ask for a ticket online for tea with sugar.

(end of this chapter)