Chapter 117: Big boss's little cutie (45)

Chapter 117 The big guy's little cutie (45)

in the restaurant.

Ning Feng is complaining about Jiang Yunyan with Chacha.

"Let me tell you, Brother Cha, I have never seen such a shameless person."

"Huh? Is there any gossip?" Cha Cha's beautiful star pupils were shining brightly, and she was obviously a little interested in this matter.

Seeing this, Ning Feng stroked his sleeves, and he looked like he had fully learned the style of a storyteller.

is... well, not quite like it.

That's all, it doesn't matter.

What matters is gossip.

"Jiang Yunyan is the school flower of our school. Of course, since you came here, Chacha, her position as the school flower has been shaken a lot..."

"Talk about the point..."

Cha Cha looked disgusted, what she wanted to hear was the key point, not this.

Ning Feng, "...Okay, let's talk about it."

"She, she often tells her little sisters that she and Brother Zhou are neighbors since childhood, and how good the relationship is with Brother Zhou's father, which is most fascinating... But, Brother Zhou has never returned to that since he was a child. Home, on average, is not even reached once a year.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yunyan would come up to Brother Zhou from time to time to follow him, how about Brother Zhou's father...

However, Brother Zhou has always ignored it.

This time, because you were here, that Jiang Yunyan said one more sentence, "Hey, my brother Zhou is so indifferent, why doesn't she have a long memory?" "

You have to come over when you have nothing to do.

Tsk, he suspected that his brother Zhou would be unhappy one day, and he would beat Jiang Yunyan violently.

Thinking of this, Ning Feng always felt that something was wrong with Brother Zhou.

After all, the post does have something to do with Jiang Yunyan.

But Brother Zhou didn't say much?

is a bit illogical.

He thought about it secretly, but found that the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

Could it be that his brother Zhou plans to make more moves?

"Chacha, do you think Brother Zhou is brewing something?"

Chacha was just about to speak, but her eyes suddenly and accurately captured the figure walking by. She looked at Ning Feng opposite, and said softly, "...Brother Zhou, no matter what he does, I will support him!"

Ning Feng, "???"

"Chacha, I think you're playing too carelessly."

He chases you, do you support him?

His black-bellied routine is you, do you support him?

Ning Feng almost said this.

Tsk, after all, the little cutie is still cutie, maybe one day, he will be entered by Zhou Ge, who has a very deep routine.

After all, the horse has stumbled. Although the little cutie is white to the depths, it is naturally black, but in the end it is not the same as his brother Zhou, who is dark from the inside to the outside!

Black to the core!

"Do you have any opinion on me?"

A cold voice sounded behind Ning Feng, and Ning Feng felt a shudder in his heart, almost staggering.

He glanced at Cha Cha weepingly, "Brother Cha, you, you, you, you are not loyal!"

Brother Zhou came and didn't remind him, crying blind!

Cha Cha said confidently, "I, I, I, I can't be sorry Brother Zhou, so I can only be sorry to you."

Who made you not a school bully?

Her elder brother Zhou is the school bully. Before the position of school bully is achieved, her elder brother Zhou is right!

Zhou Qinghuan felt a lot better when she was teased by her words.

just gave Ning Feng a cold look and didn't care about him.

It's time to eat.

Ning Feng shrank into a ball in aggrieved, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

Light bulbs...not so good either.

He decided that this time, he would never come to dinner with these two people again.


Two more.

Alas, not to mention adding more, the tickets will be much, much less.

Then... let's keep adding more.

Let’s look at the weekly recommendation tickets in the future.

It is now 8389 weekly recommended tickets. Before ten o'clock this evening, when it reaches 9000 votes, a new chapter will be added.

(end of this chapter)