Chapter 118: Big boss's little cutie (46)

Chapter 118 The little cutie of the boss (46)

Ning Feng, this shiny and bright light bulb.

I couldn't finish the meal.

Halfway through the meal, he couldn't bear the deep resentment from his brother Zhou.

"I, I suddenly remembered, I have something very important, Brother Zhou, Brother Cha, I'll go first, you guys eat slowly!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Ning Feng quickly left.

Cha Cha glanced at the figure he was leaving, "...Brother Zhou, treat him better in the future, sigh, why are you so stupid at such a young age? Even important things can be forgotten."

In the words, there is a bit of helplessness.

Zhou Qinghuan was in a happy mood, and hooked the corner of his lips, "Well, Chacha makes sense."

Without the lightbulb of Ning Feng, Zhou Xiaoba would serve tea and tea with vegetables from time to time, showing great hospitality.

After a meal.

Chacha, "!!!"

Brother Zhou is so nice! Peel me shrimp, serve me vegetables, and praise me!

Zhou Xueba, "!!!"


It feels so good to feed the little cutie.

Now he wants to put people in his pockets, take them home and keep them, so that no one else can see them. From now on, they belong to him only.

Cha Cha touched his full stomach, then stood up and ran over to pay the bill.

Well, she invited me to dinner, so she has to pay the bill.

You can't let Brother Zhou pay the bill first.

Zhou Qinghuan glanced at the text message sent from the phone, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Chacha, I have a surprise for you, would you like to come and see it with me?"

"Huh? Surprise? Okay, okay!" Cha Cha followed him out of the restaurant.

Ten minutes later.

The two stopped in front of the snack shop.

"Brother Zhou, are you here to let me buy snacks?" Cha Cha looked embarrassed, "Although I'm full, it's okay to buy a little more for a late night snack!"

woo, Brother Zhou accompanied her to buy snacks, I was moved!

Zhou Qinghuan was helpless, her brain circuit... alas.

His eyes were full of pampering, and he led her in, and wherever he passed, there were all kinds of snacks.

The staff of the snack shop left in time, and hung the temporarily closed sign outside the door. After a while, there were only two of them left in the snack shop.

Cha Cha, who was staring at the snacks, looked confused, "???" What happened?

Why is there no one?

Is this taking her to rob a snack shop?

Oh, no!

When she was stunned, her wrist suddenly became warm.

She lowered her eyes subconsciously and realized that her wrist was being grabbed, eh? What to do with her?

"Brother Zhou?" She asked in confusion.

"Chacha, these... do you like it?"

The boy's voice was mixed with a little unease. After all, it was the first time to do such a thing. He was not only uneasy, but also a little nervous and scared.

This feeling... It's indescribably complicated.

"Huh? Snacks? Of course I like...but, but these are not mine." I, I can only watch them fall into the arms of others.

Ow, this feeling is really **** heartache!

She raised her other hand and touched her heart, secretly making up her mind that she must work hard to make money to buy more snacks in the future.

Especially the lollipops.

No snacks, no lollipops!

I lost her, and I can't lose the sugar!

Chacha's eyes are full of determination, no one can separate her from her candy!

Immediately after, she struggled to free Zhou Qinghuan's big hand and took a bunch of lollipops.

"Brother Zhou, I want this!"

Brother Zhou, "..." You... dare to put down your candy and let me finish? ? ?

Oh, his biggest rival may not be a man, but a bunch of lollipops...


Three shifts.

There will be an update before 10:30 p.m.

Tomorrow's plus update will have 12,000 weekly recommended tickets.

I believe you can!

(end of this chapter)