Chapter 122: Big boss's little cutie (50)

Chapter 122 The big guy's little cutie (50)

After a minute.

Ning Feng was lying on the table, looking at the departing figure with a hopeless expression.


Why is Brother Cha so cruel?

Do you want to do it?

I don't have any sympathy at all.

That’s fine.

Unfortunately, before leaving, he patted him on the face, and said to him kindly: Be good, don't go out to fight, sit down.

What is the role of God?

Why didn't he know that he was in charge of the facade? ? ?

Is he that weak in Brother Cha's eyes?

Ning Feng's heartache, he felt hurt.

Chacha left the school and walked towards the place Ning Feng said, saying it was in the cafe next to the school.

She stood at the door and thought for two seconds. No matter what, she's here. It's better to go in and have a look.

Wan Zhou's brother stole someone behind her back...

Then she can also teach her a lesson.

77, 【? ? ? What are you thinking about? How could your brother Zhou steal someone? ? ? 】

Chacha blinked, "Why not?"

Qiqi, [What's wrong with me......] I want to slap myself to death.

Before entering the coffee shop, Cha Cha hesitated for a while, and said, "Qiqi, let me tell you, I think I have an inappropriate idea about Brother Zhou..."

Abruptly turned around, Qiqi almost laughed out loud.

【Ah, ah, Cha Cha, you say! 】That's great, you finally have an idea for Zhou Qinghuan, and it's not in vain for him to tease him for so long.

"I think if Brother Zhou steals people behind my back, I may beat Brother Zhou until he vomits blood!"

【…………】and many more? Where did this stalk of stealing come from? ? ?

Who taught you this?

Cha Cha explained to Qi Qi seriously, "Don't you think that my current situation is like those on TV, those who catch the mistress?"

this moment.

As if even the air was silent.

After a long time, Qiqi almost collapsed and asked, [You, what drama did you watch? ? ? Chacha, let's not watch TV dramas or anything in the future, let's... study hard and make progress every day, okay? 】

Seeing that Cha Cha did not speak, Qi Qi planned to repeat it again.

However, Cha Cha said ahead.

"I heard everything you said!" However, hearing it doesn't mean I have to obey...


Let's go and see if Brother Zhou is stealing someone!

Qiqi, […] I think I may be autistic again.

Chacha entered the cafe and saw Zhou Qinghuan at a glance, but...there were several people sitting across from him.

"……"one two three four……

"Qiqi, Brother Zhou stole four people at once..." I think, I might be unhappy.

Brother Zhou had a dog outside with her on his back.

Flower Heart!

Big pig trotters!


Seven Seven, 【…………】

I'm really autistic.

Feeling distressed for Zhou Qinghuan for three seconds before autism.

What a miserable man.

Chacha with a bulging face, walked over and stood beside Zhou Qinghuan.

The man who was talking stopped abruptly, and looked at the little girl who appeared in astonishment.


Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Zhou Qinghuan turned his head and saw the angry face of his little girl at a glance.

When    arrived, the ferocity on his face dissipated for the most part.

He got up, his face full of tenderness, "Why are you here? Isn't there enough sugar?"

said, he reached out and touched his pocket.

Cha Cha shook his head with an unhappy look on his face, "Enough is enough, I just come to see..." See if you are stealing someone...

Now it seems that it is not.

After all, if you want to steal, you should also steal some beautiful young girls.

And Brother Zhou's table, uh... three middle-aged people, and one Jiang Yunyan, whom Brother Zhou disliked especially...


Three shifts.

Recommended tickets to go!

My heart hurts, should I add more or add more?

This recommendation vote has not been voted as much as yesterday...cry.

(end of this chapter)