Chapter 123: The big guy's little cutie (51)

Chapter 123 The big guy's little cutie (51)

This configuration, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like her brother Zhou is stealing someone.

Chacha is depressed.

She misunderstood her brother Zhou.


Looking at it from Zhou Qinghuan's point of view, the little girl didn't finish a sentence, and suddenly she looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, blah blah blah.

looks very unhappy.

He frowned, raised his hand to hold her wrist, and wanted to take her away.

The little girl's wrist is terribly soft. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Zhou Xiaoba felt that he might have done something...not normal.

The pulp of the thumb rubbed lightly uncontrollably.

But his little girl was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't notice his little gestures at all.

He just took a step with Cha Cha.

Jiang Yunyan stood up abruptly, with an ugly face, "Zhou Qinghuan! Do you have to force me to a dead end for her sake?"

She really didn't expect it.

Zhou Qinghuan actually forced her to change schools because of the previous post, so she had to leave this school!

Obviously it's a trivial matter, how could he be so ruthless?

Even if she hasn't met him a few times, her family has been a neighbor of the Zhou family for so many years.

When she saw his father, she was also called by Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou.

Who would have imagined that Zhou Qinghuan could be so cruel?

Even Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, and her mother, the three of them asked him to give him some face, and he was unwilling to give in!

is so cruel!

Zhou Qinghuan turned around, his face was indifferent, and his beautiful thin lips were full of ridicule, "It's just for you to change schools, is this called a dead end? If necessary, I can send you to a dead end. Go, I'm afraid you don't have the life to come back!"

threaten! The undisguised threat is even arrogant.

The expressions of several people present changed dramatically.

Especially Father Zhou, he slapped the table heavily and said angrily, "Zhou Qinghuan, how do you talk? The neighbors who have been around for so many years are half your sister anyway! It's just a trivial matter, what about you?"

As soon as the    voice fell, Cha Cha clearly felt that her brother Zhou was a little stiff.

So, she also turned around curiously, and her eyes fell on the middle-aged man, black suit, wrist watch, obviously successful people.

Brows and eyes, trance is somewhat similar to Zhou Qinghuan.

Almost instantly, she guessed that this person was Brother Zhou's father.

Look at his fierce look again.

Cha Cha took a step forward, blocked Zhou Qinghuan behind him, and looked at Father Zhou with an unhappy expression, "Don't bully my brother Zhou!"

Those who kill her brother Zhou are all bad people!


My brother Zhou is the school bully!

School bully! The kind that is very fierce and can fight!

Dare to kill him again, believe it or not, she will teach her a lesson first!

Without further ado, Chacha put a label on Father Zhou's head: Bad guy!

In fact, the labelling is really appropriate.

Anyway, not a good thing.

Zhou Qinghuan lowered his eyes and looked at the figure of the little girl, who seemed to be much weaker than him.

She rushed out to stand in front of him.

This kind of feeling... it's really **** good!

Over the years, he has met many people, but she is the only one who will stand in front of him recklessly and tell others not to bully him.

The eye sockets are inexplicably hot, and the corners of the eyes are also a little red.

He held her wrist tightly, wanting to keep holding it like this...for the rest of his life, he would hold on tightly and never let go...


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(end of this chapter)