Chapter 135: The big guy's little cutie (63)

Chapter 135 The little cutie of the boss (63)

Xu was not expecting Chacha to say such a thing.

Zhou Qinghuan was stunned for half a minute before he realized what he had just heard.

There is unspeakable joy between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Chacha, you..."

The words came to his lips, but he didn't know how to continue.

Now speak clearly?

seems to be extra impatient.

Moreover, looking at Chacha's confused appearance, he knew that she still didn't understand much about relationships at this time.

It can't be said that he doesn't understand at all, but at least, listening to her words, he can feel that she is conscious, but she doesn't know it...

Zhou Qinghuan, who quickly sorted out Chacha's current state, opened the candy in front of her with a smile, and then handed it to her, "With Chacha by my side, I don't feel bitter at all."

How could he grab candy from his tea treasure?

All the candies are for her.

Cha Cha looked at him and blinked.

There was confusion in his wet eyes.

After a while, she took the candy, tilted her head and asked.

"Am I sweeter than sugar in Brother Zhou's eyes?"

"Yeah, you're sweeter than sugar!"

Zhou Qinghuan answered her question almost unequivocally.

She was so sweet that he could put those troubles behind him and love the world again.

She is the sugar of his life.

Chacha opened his mouth, "..." Woo, suddenly didn't know how to answer.

is a little confused.

"Qiqi, what should I reply?"

Qiqi, like an old father, […………] I’m sorry, I’m autistic.

I do not want to talk.

I don't want to be an assist.

I also don't want to see my tea being abducted by a dog man.

My watery tea... woo, cry.

Let her be sad for a while, shut up for a while...then it will try to get itself back to normal...

Before Qiqi's answer, Cha Cha sighed and decided to change the subject, "Brother Zhou, let's talk about something else!"

The topic shift is extremely blunt.

Zhou Qinghuan didn't say anything about this, and followed her meaning with a smile on his face.

He knew that he couldn't be too hard at once, so he slowed down.

After hesitating for a while, he seemed to look away, "Chacha, do you want to listen to Brother Zhou's story?"

"Huh? Brother Zhou's story? Good!" She didn't know Brother Zhou very well.

Now that Brother Zhou takes the initiative to mention it, it is naturally the best.

The story is rather bloody.

is nothing more than that many years ago, Zhou Qinghuan's mother and Zhou father fell in love at first sight.

The two soon fell in love.

At that time, Zhou’s father’s company was just starting up, and there were no connections or resources.

On the contrary, Mother Zhou’s family has abundant resources and connections.

Seeing that the lover is getting more and more decadent, and life is getting more and more difficult.

Mother Zhou disregarded the opposition of her family, used her family connections to help Father Zhou, and gave all her savings jewelry to Father Zhou. After that, Father Zhou got through the predicament and business began to improve.

The relationship between the two has also heated up rapidly, to the point where they want to talk about marriage.

Zhou's mother's family always disagreed and felt that Zhou's father was not worthy of her, but at that time, Zhou's mother, who was overwhelmed by love, how could she listen to her family's opinions?

In the end, he cut off ties with his family and left with Father Zhou.

After that, the two got married and the business got better and better.

A year later, Zhou's mother's family was in desperation and felt sorry for her daughter, so they recognized the marriage...

The life of Zhou's father and Zhou's mother has gradually become stable, but sometimes, under the calm, the unimaginable turbulence may often be concealed.


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(end of this chapter)