Chapter 136: Big boss's little cutie (64)

Chapter 136 The big guy's little cutie (64)

Mother Zhou never thought about it.

will find out her husband is cheating during pregnancy.

When she found out, her heart almost broke.

For him, he fell out with his family, and the result... but he got betrayal.

She has thought about divorce and various solutions.

I just didn't expect it.

The person who is with her husband will be her sister.

So that after the child was born, Zhou's mother suffered from severe depression.

In addition, watching his own sister wandering back and forth at home every day made Zhou's mother collapse.

In anger, she filed for divorce with Zhou's father.

However, not only was she rejected, Zhou’s father also locked her in the room.

Zhou's father wanted to discuss a business at that time. If he divorced at that time, I was afraid that the project would go wrong. After all, the partner had some connections with Zhou's mother's family.

But no one thought that when Father Zhou turned back and released Mother Zhou.

Only one corpse remained.

Zhou's mother committed suicide.

After Zhou's mother's family found out, they immediately sent Zhou's father to prison.

However, at that time, Zhou Qinghuan had just been born, and his family couldn't bear that he had no father or mother... and there was a little daughter involved in it...

After    figured out the truth, in anger, Zhou's mother's family cut off all ties with their youngest daughter, and they never communicated with each other.

And Zhou Qinghuan was also taken away.

Raised by grandma.

I remembered things later, and I didn’t go back to Zhou’s house very much.

Maybe there is really retribution in this world.

Zhou's father married the man who claimed to be his true love, but over the years, he never had a son and a half daughter.

Father Zhou naturally put his mind to Zhou Qinghuan for a little while.

For Zhou Qinghuan.

I just feel very sick.

However, Father Zhou and the true love didn't have any self-knowledge. They knew he hated them, so they shamelessly ran in front of him to find trouble...

He didn't raise him, and he killed his mother, so where did the face come from to think that he could still stand and talk to them calmly?

Isn't this a brain hole?

Zhou Qinghuan's eyes were full of shadows.

Now that the relationship is gone, it’s good to get together and leave. If you have to cheat, don’t want to get divorced, or even let the child go, the three turns around in front of her mother, until she stimulates the person and gets severe depression... Only then does it converge a little bit. .

Oh, why didn't he kill that pair of dog and man?

Speaking of which.

Cha Cha had already clenched her small fists, her face was full of displeasure, she said to her brother Zhou indignantly, "Brother Zhou! Don't be sad, if I see them again in the future, I'll hit them once and for all. Please forgive me!"

I knew earlier that when she met before, she just had a meal and asked for some interest!

How bad is it?


Bullied her brother Zhou and no one was protecting her!

I'm so angry, I want to hit someone.

Chacha had a sullen face, and finally got angry, and with a click, she bit her candy into pieces.

Oh, my emotions are a little bit more controlled.

Zhou Qinghuan narrowed his eyes, leaned over to Chacha, and said softly.

"Baby tea, your brother Zhou needs you to accompany you for a lifetime, otherwise, your brother Zhou may not be able to live in the future..."

's low voice was strangely cold.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, hurriedly held his big hand, and said nervously, "Brother Zhou, don't think about it, I, I will accompany you, I said that if I want to accompany you, I will definitely accompany you, don't be afraid, I here I am!"

"You're here, I'm not afraid of anything." I'm just afraid that there is everything in this world, except you...

One more update, remember to vote for the recommendation, alright~

(end of this chapter)