Chapter 141: Big boss's little cutie (69)

Chapter 141 The big guy's little cutie (69)

After this day.

Cha Cha and Zhou Qinghuan get together again, and they will attract the attention of many people.

The eyes are different, and Chacha is too lazy to pay attention.

Anyway, you won't lose a piece of meat at a glance.

As long as she doesn't look too much, she just pretends she doesn't know, so she can't waste her time eating candy.

In fact, no one would dare to look at Cha Cha with too much eyes. After all, Zhou Qinghuan was always by her side.

Even if there is really something to say, no one will pick on it when Zhou Qinghuan is next to him.

However, Zhou Qinghuan couldn't be by her side all the time after all.

For example, go back to the bedroom after dinner.

The two are always separated.

This evening.

As soon as Cha Cha returned to the bedroom, someone told her that someone was looking for her outside the bedroom.

"???" Cha Cha was stunned, and her wet eyes were full of astonishment.

Who is looking for her? Who else can find her?

Her brother Zhou would definitely not look for her at this time, nor would Xiao Fengzi... Who would that be?

"Qiqi, you said, who is looking for me?"

As she spoke, she slowly took out a handful of money from the drawer and stuffed it into her pocket.

【This...I don't know either, but you can choose not to go to Chacha, it's not safe at night. 】

Hearing this, Cha Cha quickly refuted.

The little white face is brighter and brighter under the light.

"If you're here to find fault, you won't be able to beat me. I'm not afraid! And it's just at this time to go out and buy something to eat for a late night snack. There's still an hour before the bedroom closes, so there's still time!"

Someone's serious explanation.

Qiqi, […] Don’t say it, I get it, you just want to buy food!

Being able to describe gluttony so beautifully and refined, my tea tea is really getting better and better!

Cha Cha, carrying the money, went downstairs with joy and walked outside the bedroom.

I saw two very unpleasant figures at a glance.

"Qiqi, it's them!" Bad guys! Bullying her brother Zhou.

【Um? ! ! ! 】

【Chacha, hold on! Can't hit people! 】 Seventy-seven panicked group.

This is at school, if you do it, something will happen!

"Beat people? No, no, no, Qiqi, we have to be graceful, we have to be gentle, we can't hit people casually!"

Chacha's eyes flashed with eagerness to try.

Qiqi was stunned, always feeling that his host would not easily let those two people go.

This weird smile, and this attitude of speaking... It's scary!

Qiqi shivered.

I saw the little girl leisurely walking towards the two of them.

is like a walk in the garden.

"Little girl? I'm Zhou Qinghuan's father." Father Zhou smiled and looked gentle.

The woman next to him had the same smile.

It's just that this smile... In Cha Cha's opinion, it's too fake.

The calculations in his eyes couldn't be concealed, so he still wanted to deceive her?

is simply too much.

Cha Cha stared at Father Zhou with a calm expression.

"Oh, I don't know you."

Soft voice, full of seriousness.

If you don’t know it, you don’t know it!

Father Zhou's expression stiffened, slightly embarrassed.

The woman next to    gave him a wink.

Father Zhou quickly adjusted his emotions and smiled, "Why don't you know your uncle?

A few days ago, I was there with your Auntie Zhou in the cafe near the school, and we even said a few words to you! "

Chacha tilted his head, with a meaningful smile on his face, "I think your memory may not be very good, I don't like drinking coffee, so I'm not interested in going to a coffee shop."

(end of this chapter)