Chapter 142: Big boss's little cutie (70)

Chapter 142 The big guy's little cutie (70)

The smile on Father Zhou's face instantly solidified.

"What do you mean by that?"

Cha Cha smiled like a little devil.

"Huh? Don't you understand? I think I made it very clear. I'm not interested in going to a coffee shop, which means I haven't been to a coffee shop, which means that I really don't know you!"

Hey, why do you have to make her speak so clearly?

is really annoying.

Qiqi, [...But, Cha Cha, you clearly...] Know this old man.

Chacha sighed, "Qiqi, you are similar to Xiao Fengzi, you are both stupid and sweet. Since you said you won't hit them, then of course... you have to abuse them from another angle!"

Qiqi, [...I am speechless? 】

Anyway, the only thing it can feel is that its tea tea has really changed.

is no longer the chacha who didn't know anything at the beginning, even if he was still being tricked, but apart from that dog man, who could cheat on the tea of ​​his house, really no one could do it.

Alas, I can't think about it any longer.

Qiqi felt that the more she thought about it, the more her heart was stuck.

Its watery tea baby...will soon be someone else's.

Oh no, it already belongs to someone else.

Dog man!

Ever since the cafe that day, Father Zhou knew that this little girl was not simple, and he deliberately made people pay attention.

Who would have thought, he really caught the signs.

He was actually in a relationship with his son?

is still rumored.

Not only that, Zhou Qinghuan also changed his mind and became a good student. In this case, of course he wanted to meet this particularly attractive little girl.

Of course, before that, the two of them were mentally prepared to be scolded, but they still didn't expect that this little girl would be so disrespectful.

Even a low-level trick like pretending to be stupid can be used?

"Little girl, you have to know that I am Zhou Qinghuan's father and your elder. If you talk to me like this, aren't you afraid of affecting your future with Zhou Qinghuan?"

In other words, if you want to enter Zhou's house in the future, you have to get my nod to agree!

This is what Father Zhou wanted to express, and he thought he was expressing it very clearly.

Cha Cha thought for a moment, and became even more unhappy, "Are you threatening me?"

Although she didn't understand the old man in front of her, where did the confidence come from that could threaten her, Chacha felt that she needed to cooperate a little.

Father Zhou clicked his tongue, thinking that the little girl was panicking, and smiled, "How can you say that you are threatening you? Isn't this a chat with you first to cultivate a relationship? After all, we will all be family in the future."


The corners of Chacha's mouth twitched, and she took a step back in disgust, "Are you dreaming? Who wants to be a family with you? Also cultivate relationships? Are you sick!"

You, an old man, how did you say that I will be a family in the future?

Seven-seven, […]

Father Zhou's temples jumped a few times.

His face flushed with anger, you, you, you are such a little girl, how did you say such a thing?

Want to **** him off?

The woman next to Zhou's father, the current Mrs. Zhou, the younger sister of Zhou Qinghuan's mother, gently tugged at the corner of Zhou's father's clothes with a smile.

"Bai Cha? The name is very nice, but the little girl is so young, so don't be so hostile. It's not good. If you marry Qing Huan in the future, we will always look up as a family under one roof. See you down."


Three shifts, ah ah ah, cast a recommendation vote!

Hurry up!

(end of this chapter)