Chapter 145: The big guy's little cutie (73)

Chapter 145 The big guy's little cutie (73)

Brother Zhou, who was reluctant to bear Cha Bao, confronted Cha Bao who was so cute that he fouled.

There is no doubt about it - simply throw in the towel.

What she said was what it was.

She was right.

No need to refute at all.

So, Zhou Qinghuan nodded at her, "Well, I really miss you."

Cha Cha looked proud, "Look, I'm right again!"


Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Wasn't she just talking nonsense?

"Cha Bao knows that I miss you, what should I do now to comfort me?"

Zhou Qinghuan's eyes were full of deep affection, which was almost impossible to dissolve, and the deep voice fell in her heart.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, his wet eyes looked into his eyes, he was in a trance, his heart skipped a beat...

"Seven...Seven seven, I looks like something is wrong!"

Qiqi, […] You finally reacted?

"Qiqi, shouldn't he think... think..."

【Do not! He doesn't want to rob you of candy, he just wants to give you candy for a lifetime! 】Qiqi made a loud noise.

quickly blocked the second half of Cha Cha's sentence.

Although it really doesn't like Zhou Qinghuan now, but seeing that the mission is about to end, it is absolutely impossible to look at Chacha being stupid at this time.

Chacha, "..." I didn't say he wanted to grab my candy!

I'm not a fool.

He gave me candy every day, how could he grab my candy?

Qiqi was stupid again.

"...Well." Cha Cha hesitated and thought about it for a while. She felt that it would be better to ask Brother Zhou directly.

After all, Qiqi is too stupid to ask.

77, 【? ? ? 】I think you are discriminating against me! And I have some evidence.

How could I be stupid? how is this possible?

Chacha ignored it and let it fall into sadness on its own.

She blinked and leaned beside Zhou Qinghuan obediently.

"Brother Zhou?" The soft voice was particularly sweet.

The boy subconsciously moved back a little distance, the little girl in front of him was succulent, delicate and pretty, her skin was even more breakable, and she didn't seem to have any flaws.

At close range, he could almost smell the sweetness of her body.

"..." Isn't this killing him?

Looking at him like this again, he really can't stand it.

Three seconds later, someone gritted his teeth secretly, moved forward, and brought the distance between the two closer, as if the person who was going to stay away from Chabao just now was not him.

"...what, what happened?"

The stumbling voice was obviously very nervous.

Chacha didn't pay attention, looking at Zhou Qinghuan seriously, "I want to ask you a question."


"Brother Zhou, do you, do you like me?"

Cha Bao stared straight at him, waiting for his answer.

Zhou Qinghuan, "…"

The little girl looked innocent and innocent. When she said this, she was not shy and frank.

In this case, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Obviously her mind is not the same as his, and she may not be mature yet.

Even, he didn't understand, how could she suddenly say such a sentence.

"I...I..." I spent a long time without saying why.

Cha Cha sighed, "Then you nod your head and shake your head."

The voice of    just fell.

Zhou Qinghuan nodded sharply, almost hurting his neck.

Cha Cha, "..." Brother Zhou has become stupid...

She reached out her hand to comfort her, and patted her brother Zhou on the shoulder, "Brother Zhou must study hard then! Only by working hard to get into university and applying to the same school as me can we be together!"

The unexpected surprise made Zhou Qinghuan look bewildered.

Two more.

This book is in the PK, and the little cuties should vote for more recommendations, oh me~ remember the five-star praise.

(end of this chapter)