Chapter 146: Big Brother's Little Cutie (End)

Chapter 146 The big guy's little cutie (End)

Cha Cha is rarely patient with her brother Zhou.

saw him look sluggish.

I guess I might be confused.

She repeated it very thoughtfully, looking serious and innocent.

"Brother Zhou, do you understand this time?"

If you need her to explain it again...she reluctantly...explain it, just when Brother Zhou's IQ is temporarily offline.

"I understand, Chabao said it clearly, and I heard it very clearly."

Zhou Qinghuan looked solemn.

Her words were so clear that if he couldn't react any longer, he would be a complete fool.

Cha Bao is so direct, he always has to respond a little bit.

What's more, confession should be done by boys, so how can he let his tea treasure take the lead?

Zhou Qinghuan couldn't help but fall into self-blame.

It seems that in the future, he will be more active in everything.

"Don't worry, Cha Bao, I will study hard in the future, catch up with you as soon as possible, and never let you worry about me again. After the exam, we will be together... Okay?"

seemed a little uncertain, and he repeated it.

Chacha nodded again, "Well, together."

Since she was admitted to the same school, of course she must continue to be together. After all, everyone else is a stranger, and she will not be given candy.

Seven-seven, […………] I suddenly had a bad feeling.

I always feel that... Chacha is not right.

After dinner.

Zhou Qinghuan and Cha Cha walked side by side.

The afternoon sun shines on the two of them, like a layer of warm light, which looks extraordinarily dreamy.

is about someone's expression of hesitating to speak, too obvious.

Cha Cha turned his head helplessly, "Brother Zhou, if you have something to say, just say it, don't hesitate, just say whatever we want..."

At that time, after a meal, Zhou Qinghuan also calmed down.

He knew what kind of person Cha Cha was.

Yes, he is very curious now, why did she ask the question whether he likes her?

Zhou Qinghuan gritted his teeth and cheered himself up secretly. Some things can be pretended to be confused, but some things must be made clear.

"Cha Bao, can you tell me why you asked the question just now?"

"Huh?" That question just now? What's the problem?

Ah yes, does he like her?

She blinked, "I don't know either, I just asked if I wanted to." Ask a question, why do you need it?

Zhou Qinghuan, "..." That's all, he doesn't care about her.

He asked her another way, "Then Chacha, that question just now, do you still ask anyone else?"

His dark eyes stared at her, eagerly waiting for her answer.

Cha Cha paused and fell into thought.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, looking a little tangled, "It seems... I shouldn't ask others, what does it have to do with me if others like me? As long as Brother Zhou likes me, that's fine!"

The soft voice fell deep in Zhou Qinghuan's heart. Immediately, he was surrounded by unspeakable joy again!

even more than before.

Her words seemed like a definite answer.

Even though she wouldn't think deeply, this sentence has already fully demonstrated his position in her heart.

What could make him more ecstatic than this?

Although she doesn't understand love, but what comes out naturally, isn't it true love?

Her words are enough.

The third shift, the next shift will give you an insight.

(end of this chapter)