Chapter 156: Tyrant's Coddle (6)

Chapter 156 The tyrant's coddle (6)

After   Cha Cha finished eating in the kitchen, he took a lot of cakes and left happily.

When    left, he couldn't help but sigh.

The General's Mansion is so nice.

The family has a big business, I don't know if she has enough to eat?

Why don't you go ask Daddy first?

Daddy looks very good at talking!

Thinking like this, she carried the cakes and walked to the front hall again.

Hong Luo followed behind Cha Cha, her heart was messy for a while, Miss Er today... seems to be very edible?

Seeing that the second lady was carrying a pile of cakes, she was more anxious to leave, she followed behind, dumbfounded, reminding, "Second miss, the servants can help you with those cakes, don't leave in such a hurry, be careful. ."

Cha Cha paused and looked back at Hong Luo.

"No, I'll take it myself!" What if you steal it!

Hong Luo, "…"

Cha Cha was carrying pastries, and as soon as he walked to the front hall, he saw that his father seemed to be arguing with someone.

"What's wrong?" She took a few steps forward in astonishment.

His eyes fell on the quarrelling girl.


This is... Xue Yanyue?

The older sister of the original owner, there is no mistress in the General's Mansion, only Father Xue, Xue Yanyue and her, the three masters.

Her arrival brought the quarrel between the two to an abrupt end.

Xue Yanyue turned her head and looked at her with reddish eyes. Just as she was about to say something, her eyes fell on the cakes that Cha Cha was carrying. She was slightly stunned and puzzled, "Cha Cha? What are you doing? Why are you holding so many cakes? "

Hearing this, Father Xue also focused on her.

Seeing that she was holding a lot of cakes, her emotions were instantly complicated, and then looking at the empty-handed maid behind him, Father Xue couldn't help but hold his forehead, "Hong Luo? You say, what's going on?"

Hong Luo said what happened just now with a blank face.

It's not that she abused her second lady.

She had absolutely no idea what was going on!

Father Xue and Xue Yanyue all looked at Cha Cha.

Chacha blinked, her wet eyes staring straight at Father Xue.

"Daddy, let me ask you a question."

Father Xue was also a little unpredictable about what his precious daughter was thinking, "Huh? You ask."

"Daddy, how much money does the General's Mansion have? How many pastries can I eat?"

Chacha is a serious inquiry.

is like a cake in his arms, which is very important.

Father Xue twitched the corners of his mouth. Seeing that Cha Cha was very serious, he didn't seem to be joking. He laughed and said, "My dear daughter, even if you go out and lose your family, the money from the General's House will be enough for you!"

As he said, he took out a large amount of silver notes from his arms and handed it to Cha Cha.

You must know that the General’s Mansion is really a great family.

In the past, every time he won a battle, the emperor would reward him with gold jewelry and various valuable things.

In addition, there are several shops outside the General’s Mansion, and the income is even better.

Yes, the family is very wealthy! !

suddenly turned into a rich second-generation tea, looking at the silver note, his eyes lit up, "!!"

You can buy a lot of delicious food!

She turned around and put all the pastries in her arms into Hong Luo's arms.

Then he took the silver note, clenched it tightly, raised his eyes and said cheerfully.

"Thank you daddy! Daddy, sister, you keep arguing, I'm going out to buy food!"

The words fell, and he turned and walked away.

Father Xue, "???"

Xue Yanyue, "…"

Hong Luo, "..."

It was Xue Yanyue who reacted first, "Hong Luo, put down the cake, hurry up and follow!"

"Ah good!"


The Imperial Study Room of the Imperial Palace.

A man in a bright yellow dragon robe sat above, holding a memorial in his hand, his expression indifferent.

Below   , is a secret guard carefully reporting the news.

"Oh? You mean, the second lady of the General's Mansion rejected Di Hanshu? Want to break off the engagement with him?"


One more update, good night.

In the new week, cast a wave of recommendation votes!

Male protagonist: Ahhhhh! I'm finally out! Although I didn't see my daughter-in-law, I think I can meet by chance tomorrow!

Male protagonist (Di Hancheng): Excuse me, sweethearts, does my name sound good? ? ?

(end of this chapter)