Chapter 157: Tyrant's Coddle (7)

Chapter 157 The tyrant's coddle (7)

Lan City.

Cha Cha was very happy with a big bag of candied fruit.


No sugar.

However, the candied fruit is barely okay, but it is not very convenient to carry.

As for Qiqi telling her that there is sugar in this plane... She doesn't care for the time being.

After all, in her current status, she not only has room and food, but also has a lot of banknotes!

You don’t have to worry about emptying the General’s Mansion, it’s great!

Qiqi, [………] I understand, the identity of the next plane, I will arrange it.

Hong Luo followed behind his second young lady with a blank face.

She, she, this maid...not very competent.

Seeing that the second lady was holding a lot of things, but she followed behind empty-handed... This feeling... is really weird.

She thought for a while, and couldn't help but took two steps forward, "Second miss, what is in your hand, Hong Luo can..."

"No! I'll take it myself!" Before she could finish speaking, Cha Cha's hands holding the candied fruit added a little more strength.

's charming little face is full of resistance.

Hong Luo, "..."

Why do I see distrust on the second lady's face?

Especially the second young lady's food-protecting appearance makes people wonder whether to laugh or cry.

"Second miss, Hong Luo really won't do anything to your candied fruit..." She explained, looking very sincere.

Chacha glanced at her, then looked at the candied fruit in her hand.

refused again, "You have to do your own things, and of course you have to hold your own things!"

The candied fruit is hers!

Hong Luo's mouth twitched, "But...but I'm your maid..."

These things are what she should do.

She sighed, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Before he could react, Cha Cha had turned around and walked in another direction.

Hong Luo quickly followed.

"Qiqi, I think, everything here is so new!"

Cha Cha looked left and right, her wet eyes filled with joy.

【Yes, yes, I also find it very novel! 】

Hong Luo, who was following behind, was panicking.

Although the folk customs of Lancheng are open, and the general has not imposed any restrictions on the second lady.

But the second miss is a woman, and this way, it has attracted the attention of many people, this... Second miss's face is really too high-profile!

Unfortunately, the second lady didn't know it.

Suddenly, Cha Cha stopped.

Hong Luo panted and came to Cha Cha's side, "Second Miss, President, finally stopped..."

"Don't run so fast, wait for Hong Luo."

Hong Luo, who thinks he has good physical strength, has a new understanding of his physical strength this day.

Chacha pointed to the place surrounded by a group of people and asked, "Hong Luo, what are those people doing? I seem to smell the fragrance."

Hong Luo, whose reaction was half a beat, finally realized something.

Second Miss now looks like a foodie.

No, he is a foodie after all.

Did you see the light in the eyes of the second lady when she mentioned the fragrance?

She saw it.

"Second miss, that's the biggest restaurant in Lancheng. It's surrounded by it, I guess it's waiting for a seat, right? This restaurant seems to have a lot of people every day..."

"Oh, a lot of people!" Cha Cha's interest was instantly ruined.

Lots of people = Lots of people = No place to queue up!

According to her observation, this team may have to queue for a long time, so...

"Hong Luo, let's look elsewhere!"

She doesn't have the patience to line up there. With that time, she can buy a lot of delicious food.

In the second update, there is a wave of recommended tickets.

Male protagonist: Daughter-in-law wait for me, I'm here! I came with something delicious!

(end of this chapter)