Chapter 158: Tyrant's Coddle (8)

Chapter 158 The tyrant's coddle (8)

Hong Luo looked confused.

means that she can't guess what the second lady is going to do next. She thought that the second lady would rush to line up...

However, at this moment, she vaguely knew what Second Miss was interested in.

So, Hong Luo has nothing to worry about at all.

"Miss, I know there is another restaurant, the food in it is delicious, and there are many snacks nearby."

"Huh? Then take me there!"

The soft voice is full of anticipation.


Hong Luo led the way first, Cha Cha followed behind, and after two steps, he squeezed a candied fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

This candied fruit tastes really good, but compared to her lollipops, it's still a little bit worse.

Of course, this plane has no sugar to eat.

She doesn't have to worry so much, just make do with it!

while walking.

Hong Luo suddenly stopped and looked not far away with a look of alertness.

"Second miss, run!"

is eating candied tea, "???"

"What are you running for?" she asked inexplicably.

She followed Hong Luo's line of sight and looked not far away.

At this moment, I happened to see a young man with red lips and white teeth, but his body was full of arrogance.

doesn't quite match his handsome face.

Simply put: emmm...he ruined that face...

"Second miss, that's the younger prince!"

The younger prince, the more cold the emperor, the most arrogant and stubborn person in Lancheng.

Unfortunately, he is the most beloved younger brother of the emperor today.

Chacha blinked, not quite understanding what Hong Luo meant, "What happened to the younger prince? You make it clear."

"You had a holiday with Prince Yue! Now that he bumped into us with so many people, he might have trouble with us!"

Hearing this, Cha Cha pondered for a few seconds, and immediately gave Hong Luo a disgusting look.

"A fight?" She likes fighting the most!

She squeezed another candied fruit and stuffed it into her mouth, and while eating it, she shoved the rest of her candied fruit into her bosom.

Then he stroked his sleeves, as if he was about to start.

Hong Luo looked shocked, "..."

It wasn't that she poured cold water on the second lady, it was really...

She sighed, helplessly bringing up some of the past.

"Second, Second Miss, you have fought with Prince Yue Xiao once before, but you didn't win!"

So, let’s hurry up and run!

Cha Cha was full of confidence and pushed Hong Luo away from the road.

At that time, Di Hanyue had already come over.

He held a folding fan in his hand, swaying back and forth, becoming more and more arrogant and domineering.

"Yo, isn't this the little fool from the General's Mansion? With such a little girl by his side, he is really brave!"

"??? Who are you calling a fool?" Cha Cha's face changed, and her soft voice was mixed with displeasure.

Dare to call her a little fool? ? ?

I see you are looking for a fight!

"Is there anyone else besides you?" Di Hanyue shook his fan, extraordinarily arrogant.

Cha Cha frowned, took a step forward, and without saying a word, punched him.

directly smashed Di Hanyue into a stunned face, and it took a long time to react.

"……you you you!"

"What's wrong with me!"

"You hit me!"

"I beat you! Who made you owe?"

in a blink.

Di Hanyue was kicked to the ground by Cha Cha, and the guards who followed him were completely overwhelmed by the situation.

The surrounding people saw this scene, and they automatically distanced themselves, so that there was silence, only the mourning sound of Di Hanyue was left, which was particularly harsh.

"Why don't you let me go! Your father doesn't dare to touch me, yet you dare to hit me! Believe it or not, this prince asked my brother to hit you!"

threaten me?

Cha Cha had a dark face.

Dangdang, another punch slammed down hard.

"What are you doing!"

A cold and somewhat violent voice sounded, full of danger from the storm.

Three watch, ah, ah, the power was cut off, and it crashed...

I finally took my phone and wrote a chapter.

Recommend a wave of tickets.

If... If I can't add more today, I'll make it up tomorrow, I'll try to write it out today...

(end of this chapter)