Chapter 164: Tyrant's Coddle (14)

Chapter 164 The tyrant's coddle (14)

The food at this restaurant is just like what Hong Luo said, and it tastes great.

As for the tea, she wanted to live in this restaurant if it tasted good, and she didn’t want to go back to the General’s Mansion.

After struggling for a few seconds, she touched her banknote.


It seems that the General’s Mansion still has to go back.

The silver note may not be enough to spend...

Di Hancheng was turning a blue-and-white porcelain white wine glass in his hand, and he could clearly see the tangled expression of the little girl opposite.

The small face is cute and cute, the skin can be broken by blowing, and the wet eyes seem to contain stars.

Looking forward to Shenghui between words and laughter, probably describing her.

He looked at her face, and suddenly there was an unspeakable grief.

Di Hanshu has a marriage contract with her!

How could someone like Di Hanshu have such a close relationship with her?

The fingers slammed hard, and the porcelain cup shattered with a click.

The whole room was filled with a strong vinegar smell.

Chacha stuffed meat into his mouth for a while, then looked up at him in astonishment, "What, what's wrong?"

She wiped her mouth, looking confused.

Aren't you eating?

The man's dark eyes seemed to contain anger.

Seeing that he was silent, Cha Cha did not ask any further questions.

He just talks too little. Although he doesn't know what happened to him, Cha Cha feels that he can't care about him and should be more lenient with him.

can barely be considered for the sake of the meal at this table.

Otherwise, she thinks she will be very unhappy if she misses so many delicious food.

But also, she will be very unhappy if she is kept in line for a long time.

So, just...thank him so much!

She thought about it for a moment, and followed his hand with her eyes. He seemed to crush the cup with his hand?

Um? Can't see it, it's awesome!

But, in a trance, she seemed to see a trace of blood?

She was stunned for a moment, then stood up quickly and walked over, her small hand grabbed the man's big, articulated hand, "Let me see!"

Sure enough, the fingertips were scratched by the fragments of the cup.

She glanced at the man speechlessly, "Are you stupid? You can hurt yourself even if you squeeze a cup..."

I think your IQ is about the same as your brother...

Chacha couldn't help beeping in his heart: I clearly made a wrong judgment on you before.

Introverted and deep?

Oh, it's all fake!

Di Hancheng's expression was subtle and his body was stiff. He stared blankly at the hand she was holding.

Caught off guard, just, hold, hold hands?

He...was totally unprepared.

However, rounding up, is the relationship between the two of them a step closer?

That handsome and unparalleled face flashed a strange shyness, but after a while, it returned to normal, but the earlobes were slightly red.

For these, Chacha naturally did not notice.

Her hand was still clutching his injured finger, and she stared blankly for a while... Cha Cha really didn't know what to do.

Do you need medicine?

There seems to be myrrh here...

No gauze?

Hmm... just stunned, panicked, and at a loss.

Dazedly, he set his eyes on Di Hancheng's handsome face, um, it seems that no matter which angle you look at, there is no flaw at all.

Her eyes moved up along his face, and before she knew it, the eyes of the two collided.

The surrounding temperature seems to be rising.

Just when Di Hancheng was about to say something.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the door of the wing was kicked open, and at the same time, there was a steady and powerful roar.

"Good girl!"

This voice is not General Xue who rushed over in a hurry!

Di Hancheng, "..."

One more update. A wave of recommended tickets.

Male protagonist: I don’t know why, on the way to pursue my daughter-in-law, there is another stumbling block like my father-in-law......

Heartache to the point of being unable to breathe!

(end of this chapter)