Chapter 165: Tyrant's Coddle (15)

Chapter 165 The tyrant's coddle (15)

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Father Xue who was in a hurry and a little angry.

"Daddy? Why are you here?"

However, it seems to be late?

I have almost eaten all the delicious food...

Father Xue didn't answer, he saw the hands of his good daughter and Di Hancheng at a glance.

Immediately, that anger surged up.

He strode forward with Meteor, grabbed Cha Cha's wrist, and dragged the man behind him.

Father Xue was about to scold when he opened his mouth angrily, "You..." Unpredictable, he suddenly looked at the dark eyes of God's Cold City.

The anger in his heart was quenched by half, and he suddenly woke up.

Oh, the dog man in front of him is the current emperor, not someone else.

He turned around slowly and reluctantly, and looked at Cha Cha with sharp eyes, "Daughter, is there anyone bullying you! Don't be afraid, Daddy will call the shots for you!"

The words fell, and he swept the person from top to bottom.

Hey, his good daughter!

When he received the news, he rushed over without stopping. Fortunately, nothing happened.


Something happened!

His daughter's little hand was touched by the dog emperor!

Thinking of this, General Xue became more and more depressed, and the words murderous were written all over his face.

Cha Cha shook his head, then nodded again.

"The younger prince called me a little fool, but I have already taught him a lesson!"

She clearly felt that Father Xue was in a bad mood.

So, he added, "Don't worry, Daddy, no one can bully me!"

They can't beat me!

Cha Cha clenched his hands into fists and waved in front of Father Xue.

's well-behaved appearance took away most of Father Xue's anger.

As for the rest of the rage?

Um? Prince Yue called his good daughter, little fool?

Dog... The emperor touched the little hand of his good daughter!

These two brothers, do you consider him a dead person? He was reluctant to speak harshly to his daughter and raised her like a baby, these two brothers...

He frowned, pondering how to make an argument.

Is it a fight?

Or fight?

He patted Cha Cha's shoulder comfortingly, "Daughter, Daddy will get you justice!"

Um? No, she has really beaten Yue Xiao Wang Ye!

If Daddy goes to beat him again, then maybe... he will beat the younger prince to the point of doubting his life...

"Father, I've already beaten the little prince, you don't need to move..."

"General Xue?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the younger prince who came from next door.

The younger prince looked bewildered, looked at Father Xue and then at Di Hancheng, who was sitting there motionless.

This scene... No matter how you look at it, it's very weird.

Looking at General Xue's furious appearance, and thinking about the sound of kicking the door just now... He suddenly felt that his imperial brother might have done something shameful, and then General Xue captured him on the spot...

At this moment, he felt inexplicably guilty.

If it were normal times, he would have been fighting with people long ago.

But today... but he doesn't care.

Besides, it doesn't matter if he doesn't make sense. The most terrifying thing is that he can't figure out his brother's mind.

If...if the elder brother intends to bring people back to the palace, then...General Xue will be the elder brother's father-in-law in the future.

General Xue is a well-known favorite daughter, and his temper is even more stubborn.

If he offends people now, maybe his imperial brother will not be able to marry a daughter-in-law in the future...

The younger prince suddenly felt that this matter... The more he thought about it, the more difficult it became.

He had absolutely no idea what to do.

Such a big problem... He thought about it, forget it, let's teach his royal brother to solve it...

Immediately, he ran behind Dihan City in a flash.

His eyes closely followed the younger prince's father Xue, and he immediately turned to Dihancheng's eyes again!

Two more.

Ah, ah, a wave of recommended tickets.

Male protagonist: Father-in-law, listen to my explanation! ! !

(end of this chapter)