Chapter 195: Tyrant's Coddle (45)

Chapter 195 The tyrant's coddle (45)

Father Xue felt a little better when he saw Cha Cha.

If the eldest daughter can handle it a little bit more clearly, he will be relieved a lot.

Thinking of this, he sighed again.

Cha Cha looked at Father Xue and then at Xue Yanyue.

Her face sank, a little less sweet and sweet.

"Sister, you've made Daddy unhappy!" She complained in a low voice, her eyes stained with displeasure.

Xue Yanyue's expression changed, she inexplicably felt the pressure from Chacha.

Even facing her father who has been on the battlefield for many years, she has never felt this way, but at this moment, the moment she faced Chacha, she had to admit that she was...cowardly.

almost subconsciously took a step back, not daring to look at him.

"I..." She lowered her eyes, her voice weak.

"Sister, it's not wrong to like someone.

You are blind, and we didn't blame you.

But you're wrong, you shouldn't be thinking about pulling Daddy into this muddy water!

You clearly know what Di Hanshu is going to do and what he wants to do, and you know what terrifying results you will face if you let your father get involved!

Do you have no heart? "

's straightforward and sharp words made Xue Yanyue's face pale on the spot.

She looked at Father Xue in astonishment, "I, I..." She tried to defend herself but found that she could not defend herself.

Yes, she knew early on what Di Hanshu wanted to do.

also knew what his purpose was.

However, she still plunged in.

What Daddy said, she ignored it, and she didn't take Chacha's advice to heart.

Now, she also ran over to try to persuade Daddy to stand on Di Hanshu's side.

Cha Cha looked at Xue Yanyue and smiled suddenly.

"Since ancient times, the king has been defeated, and Di Hancheng has sat in that position, then his game with Di Hanshu means that he has won, and if he wins, he will win!

how? Does Di Hanshu still want to turn the tables and rebel? "

Hearing the word "rebellion", Xue Yanyue was shocked.

"Chacha, how can you say the word "rebellion"? Do you know..."

"Isn't what I'm saying true?

Didn't his Emperor Hanshu just want to rebel?

He asked you to persuade daddy. If you say it nicely, you should stand in the camp of Di Hanshu. If you say it bluntly, don't you ask your daddy to rebel along with him?

Di Hanshu's bad intentions, who can't see it? "

Having said so much, Chacha's patience is almost gone.

Xue Yanyue was flustered and her body shrank as if she was thinking about something.

Chacha knew that Di Hanshu wanted to rebel, and said it casually, so...what about Dihancheng?

Will Emperor Hancheng know?

Di Hancheng knows, will it affect Di Hanshu?

Thinking about it, her eyes lit up and she wanted to run towards the door in a panic. She wanted to tell Di Hanshu the news and tell him to be careful!

Chacha reacted very quickly, seeing that she wanted to run, she stretched her legs and tripped her to the ground.

"Ah—" Xue Yanyue let out a scream.

Father Xue, "..."

"Huh? Do you want to find Di Hanshu?" Cha Cha squatted half-squatting, looking at Xue Yanyue on the ground, his eyes were full of wicked smiles.

Suddenly, Xue Yanyue felt her scalp tingle, "What, what do you want to do?"

Cha Cha, "I just think that since I'm talking to you well and you don't listen, then... just lock it up, wait for the matter of Di Hanshu to be resolved, and then let you out, so that you don't mind harming the entire General's Mansion. ."

Want to help Di Hanshu rebel?

This life is impossible!

After the words were finished, she raised her little hand, and her movements were swift and swift, knocking the person unconscious.

Father Xue, "..." Can't you be a little more gentle? ? ?

One more update, remember to vote, good night~

(end of this chapter)