Chapter 196: Tyrant's Coddle (46)

Chapter 196 The tyrant's coddle (46)

Cha Cha clapped his hands neatly and glanced at Xue Yanyue who was lying on the ground.

turned to look at Father Xue.

"Daddy, I knocked her out, you say, do we lock her up or lock her up?"

Father Xue, "..."

That's your sister...

Locked up?

what do you think?

He couldn't help holding his forehead, "Help her to her room, and then let someone stay in the hospital, don't let her go out."

It is estimated that Di Hanshu will make some moves in these few days.

"Yeah!" Cha Cha nodded.

Daddy means to lock it up, then lock it up... However, I always feel that it is not very safe.

"By the way, Daddy, you remember to find some guards, don't let my sister's maid come into contact with her, if you give her a chance to escape, it will be bad."

Father Xue, "...Okay." So thoughtful...

She didn't say it, he really couldn't think of it.


The fainted Xue Yanyue did not know that her back path was blocked.

Chacha is typically just thinking of one and blocking one!

Adhering to the principle of blocking all opportunities, he threw a large number of guards in the rain courtyard, making it airtight!

When Xue Yanyue woke up, she was confused, "..."

I never thought that I would be placed under house arrest in the General’s Mansion.

Cha Cha seemed to be counting the time when Xue Yanyue woke up. Not long after Xue Yanyue woke up, she stepped into the rain courtyard.

When Xue Yanyue saw her, a bit of anger flashed in her eyes, "Xue Cha! Do you know what you're doing! Let me out!"

Cha Cha slowly ate a candied fruit, feeling a little better before looking at Xue Yanyue.

"Of course I know what I'm doing, it's just you who don't know what you're doing.

How could someone like    Di Hanshu have feelings for you?

Gossip, just to coax you to deceive you! I was embarrassed to speak too harshly when my father was beside me just now.

Now...just the two of us, so naturally I don't have to worry about it anymore. "

"What on earth are you trying to do..." Xue Yanyue's eyes were flushed, and she seemed to be extremely angry and angry.

"Doing nothing is nothing more than wanting to say the results that you dare not think about.

What kind of temper your father is, you know very well.

If Di Hanshu rebelled and threatened his father with you, do you think his father would compromise?

And you help Emperor Hanshu, and at the same time, how does your father face the emperor?

Even if the emperor believed him, what about him? Will he be able to get through that?

The General's Mansion will only come, but the family will be destroyed!

Don't be so naive and don't be so stupid! Just think about it here! "

When did Di Han die, and when will Xue Yanyue be released!

Qiqi, […………Chacha, don’t you think you are too violent? 】

Chacha, "What are you talking about? I didn't hit her again, where is the violence? Qiqi, don't frame me, I'm a gentle and beautiful peerless cutie!"


【Yes, Chacha, you are a peerless cutie! 】

Chacha is right!

Just close it, nothing!

Otherwise, if Xue Yanyue is broken, it can't be solved by shutting down for a few days!

Ah, its tea is awesome! I can think of such a great idea, so happy!

This side has just left Xue Yanyue's yard, and the general's mansion welcomes the younger prince again.

Cha Cha was dissatisfied, "!!!" So?

Where did Dihan City go?

Don't know how to come with Xiaoyuezi?

So angry!

Her preserves are still with him!

When can I return the candied fruit to her?

(end of this chapter)