Chapter 197: Tyrant's Coddle (47)

Chapter 197 The tyrant's coddle (47)

The younger prince leaned over to Chacha with a smile on his face.

Behind him is Father Xue with a sad face.

That look, it seems that he has been stimulated by something.

Chacha looked at Di Hanyue very seriously, "What did you tell my father? Did you bully him?"

Di Hanyue, "???"

"Chacha? What are you talking about? Are you sure I dare to bully him?"

That is the future father-in-law of his imperial brother. It is too late for him to please, so how could he bully General Xue?

Furthermore, General Xue's force value...

He's the one being bullied, okay?

Cha Cha thought for a few seconds, "That's right, you can't beat my dad, so you shouldn't dare to bully him."

“…” Daily heartbreak.

"Then why is Daddy's face so bad?"

Cha Cha crossed Xiaoyuezi and came to Father Xue, "Dad, what happened?"

Could it be because of Xue Yanyue again?

Father Xue opened his mouth, obviously still in a state of anger.

When the young prince saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward and took the initiative to explain.

"Hey, it's like this, the emperor wants to invite you to stay in the palace for a few days, and General Xue is reluctant to be separated from you."

Father Xue snorted coldly and glared at Di Hanyue fiercely.

His good daughter was abducted into the palace by Di Hancheng, can he be happy?

But, if Di Hanshu takes action, what if he touches his good daughter?

He has to follow the dispatch of troops for the past few days. There are too many things to do, and there is no free time.

There is no other way than to temporarily send people to the palace and let Dihan City take good care of them. He can't trust other people...

Alas, I can't think about it. When I think about it, it not only hurts my heart, but also has a headache.

His Shui Lingling daughter was handed over to the shameless Dihan City by him!

"The Imperial Palace?" Cha Cha was stunned for a while.

looked at Father Xue in astonishment, "Father? Then why don't you go to the palace with me for a few days?"

The food in the palace is definitely more than that in the general's mansion.

"...No, I have other things to deal with." Father Xue was heartbroken.

His daughter did not refuse to enter the palace?

Instead, you want to take him to the palace?


The more you think, the more angry you are!

"Okay." Cha Cha was a little lost.

She had to go by herself.

General Xue's old father's heart was completely unable to calm down.

"Chacha, listen to me, the palace is no better than the general's mansion. There are more rules, more people, and more things. You have to be careful... blah blah blah..."

After a long time, Father Xue finally finished.

Cha Cha's expression was a bit dazed, "...So troublesome, then what am I going to do in the palace?"

Father Xue, "…"

Emperor Hanyue, "…"

After realizing what Chacha said, Di Hanyue reacted extremely quickly, and took two steps forward to grab Father Xue's position, swearing.

"Chacha, believe me, the imperial brother invited you to the palace just to let you taste those delicacies. As for the rules and who, with my imperial brother here, don't worry at all!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Father Xue resentfully.


In case Cha Cha was told by General Xue's words and changed his mind and didn't want to go to the palace, would he have to be beaten to death by his imperial brother?

"..." It's scary to think about it, but fortunately, he reacts quickly!

Father Xue reluctantly added after receiving Di Hanyue's look, "King Yue said reluctantly...and it makes sense..."

"But, Daddy, I'm still a little worried about you!"

I always feel that my father will be bullied, what should I do?

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(end of this chapter)