Chapter 198: Tyrant's Coddle (48)

Chapter 198 The tyrant's coddle (48)

Father Xue was a little helpless.

"Silly daughter, you can't stay by my side all your life, can you?"

Always get married in the future.

Hearing this, Cha Cha thought about it seriously.

The sound is soft and waxy.

"That's not impossible!"

Being by Father Xue's side all his life is nothing.

Anyway, life is very short, and it will soon pass.

Father Xue couldn't help laughing out loud, "Chacha is talking nonsense again, how can you stay with Daddy for the rest of your life? You, go to the palace with the younger prince, wait for Yanyue's mood to stabilize a little, and I will let her Send it too."

After all, the palace is safer than the general's mansion.

In case Emperor Hanshu becomes mad, he will attack Yanyue...

Anyway, Di Hancheng has no idea about Yanyue, and it is nothing to send it over.

"Yeah." Cha Cha nodded.

She turned around, just took a step, as if she had remembered something, and looked back at Father Xue, "I don't think it's so troublesome, just knock her unconscious again and take her away?"

Is Xue Yanyue emotionally stable?

What if Xue Yanyue was emotionally unstable for many days?

It is more appropriate to knock them unconscious and take them away!

Father Xue, "..."

Di Hanyue shivered suddenly, "..."

Ruthless or Miss Xue Er!

Can't compare!

Father Xue thought for a while, then nodded, "That makes sense."

In case that girl still can't think of it, it might be better to send it over now and hand it over to Di Hancheng.

Anyway, Di Hancheng will not attack his eldest daughter.

Well, that’s how confident you are!

Not to mention, he even kidnapped his tea, even if Di Hancheng should make some efforts first...

Di Hanyue, "!!!"


In the rain courtyard, Xue Yanyue, who was crying, was knocked unconscious again.

"???" Who can tell her what happened...

Outside the General's Mansion.

Prince Yue had just asked Xue Yanyue to be put on the carriage when suddenly, there was another carriage next to him, he glanced at it casually, eh? Wait, why does this carriage look so familiar?


Hearing the familiar voice, Cha Cha turned around and saw Di Han City!

Her eyes lit up, she rolled over from Di Hanyue's carriage, and got into Di Hancheng's carriage.

The action is neat and tidy.

"Why are you here?" Cha Cha looked at him suspiciously, and kept looking back and forth at him from the corner of his eye.

Her candied fruit...where will it be hidden?

"I'm afraid the cold will not be able to bring you back to the palace, so come and see."

If General Xue was in trouble, and Di Hanyue was so stupid, he might not be able to bring people back.

He sat alone in the imperial study. No matter how he sat, he couldn't be quiet. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but run over.

Di Hanyue, who suddenly felt that he was disgusted in a trance, said, "Brother Huang, I think you underestimate my ability too much."

Such a simple thing, can't he do it well?

It was his imperial brother, who came to the general's mansion to pick him up at such a critical juncture. If someone saw him, maybe those old officials would say a lot of nonsense.

Di Hancheng gave him a cool look without giving him a single word.

turned his head and pulled Chacha into the carriage, leaving only two figures of Di Hanyue.

"..." I'm so... Really miserable!

in the carriage.

Cha Cha stared at Di Hancheng, "Did you bring the candied fruit I gave you last time?"

"Then tell me first, why do you have another pack of candied fruit in your arms? Didn't you say you should eat less?" He secretly bought a pack of them?

Chacha's eyes flickered, and for a moment, he looked at him confidently, "Who asked you to come to me so late?"

You come early and feed me one, so do I still have to run out to buy it?


We recommend voting, okay?

I voted to add more during the day today, ok~ good night.

(end of this chapter)