Chapter 217: Extra (1)

Chapter 217 Fanwai (1)

Father Xue's full of anger disappeared when he saw her cry.

He sighed and stood still.

Xue Yanyue, like a wronged child, got up in a panic, stumbled to Father Xue, plunged her head into his arms, and burst into tears.

Father Xue, "..."

This...why are you crying?

He hasn't had time to say anything yet.

Alas, how can he be good?

He sighed and patted her on the back comfortingly.

"Don't cry, if something happens, just say it."

When she cried, he also felt distressed.

"Daddy! I was wrong, it's my fault, it's all my fault..."

Xue Yanyue cried with tears in her eyes, and kept admitting her mistakes.

Father Xue said he didn't know what happened, but he was very relieved to see his daughter wake up.

I was worried that she would lose her mind, but now it seems to be fine...

Xue Yanyue's tears fell like beads with a broken thread, and she didn't listen.

Just now, she had a dream that was very long.

Inside the dream.

Her sister married Di Hanshu according to the marriage contract.

However, not long after the marriage, Di Hanshu was extremely warm to her again, and she betrayed her sister as if she was in a daze.

and Di Hanshu are unclear.


Emperor Hanshu rebelled.

In order to get the general's mansion, he threatened his father with the two sisters.

The General's Mansion became cannon fodder, and his father couldn't face it, so he chose to die.

My sister couldn't bear the blow, so she committed suicide.

What love, like, it's all fake...

Inside the dream.

She regrets, she hates, she resents, but there is no way to restore it...

And this dream, after she woke up.

But I remember every detail clearly.

Even, she vaguely felt that maybe she had experienced those too?

She doesn't know what's going on in this situation, but she's thankful.

Fortunately, I didn't go to such a result as in a dream.

for a long time.

Father Xue's tired voice was mixed with a bit of relief, "Silly daughter, just figure it out."

It will be alright when you figure it out...

Imperial study.

Cha Cha eats pastries on the side.

Di Hancheng handles the memorial above.

Seventy-seven blah blah blah about Xue Yanyue.

【Chacha, look, am I super awesome? I made Xue Yanyue dream about all the things in my previous life! She has now figured it out clearly, and General Xue will no longer have to worry about Xue Yanyue in the future. 】

Chacha nodded cooperatively, "Yeah, Qiqi is the best! Although, I thought of this idea, but Qiqi has done a great job! It must be praised!"

【Oh, it's all a good idea for Chacha. 】

"No no no, Qiqi is the most powerful!"

[How can there be? If it wasn't because Chacha used the chance to draw a prize from the previous plane to exchange for this dreaming skill, Xue Yanyue would not have understood it so quickly.

So, after all, Chacha is the best! 】

"Well, that makes sense, hey, we're all great!"

【right! 】


Emperor standing up.

The whole country celebrates with a feast for three days.

There are rumors in the market: the emperor spoiled the new queen to the core.

Even the violent temper of the emperor disappeared without a trace after meeting the new one.

Even that harem has been useless since then.

Ruoshui three thousand, as long as the new one.

After the ceremony is over.

Cha Cha, wearing a gorgeous and complicated phoenix robe, returned to the bedroom.

The maids supported her on both sides.

Even so, Cha Cha still felt exhausted.

She complained to Qiqi in a depressed voice.

"Qiqi, the clothes are so heavy, and it looks like you have a hammer on your head, press your head!"

Qiqi, […………Or, for the sake of food, would you be patient? 】


(end of this chapter)