Chapter 218: Extra (2)

Chapter 218 Fanwai (2)

After Chacha entered the bedroom, he wanted to take off the things on his head.

As soon as he touched it, the maid beside him immediately stopped him.

chacha, “…”

If you can't pick it, you can't pick it.

Still have to wait for Dihan City to come back?

OK, she waits a while.

"Qiqi, how long do I have to wait?"

Being bored, Chacha had to chat with Qiqi.

【This...I don't know either. 】 Qi Qi is very distressed.

"Okay." Another day when Qiqi had no effect.

Seven-seven, […]

【Chacha, I suddenly remembered, this plane should be over soon, you have completed the main quest and hidden quest, that is to say, you will soon leave this plane...]

Tea, which was originally soft, changed his face when he heard this.

"Qiqi, do you know what you're talking about???"

【I...】I'm talking normally.

"Today is my wedding day with Dihancheng!

You actually said such a thing at such a time? Won't your conscience hurt? "

Chacha is so angry, Qiqi, this unscrupulous little thing...

Wait...she seems to have forgotten something.

"Ah, Qiqi, I was wrong, you are a system, you have no conscience... Hey, you have no conscience, so it won't hurt..."

This is really hard for this little cutie like me.

Talking about feelings with an unscrupulous system?

Alas, it’s too emotional, forget it, let’s not talk about it.

77, 【? ? ? 】

I...I...I feel like I'm about to shut down again.

Cha Cha sat there angrily, and what Qi Qi said seemed quite reasonable.

Although the words are not very pleasant, she may leave this plane one day.

She just became the queen, and she hasn't had time to eat delicious food. Wouldn't it be a big loss if she just left?

No, she starts tomorrow, she wants to eat more!

Another moment passed.

Di Hancheng walked in.

The maids around were a little surprised when they saw him.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have come back so early.

Come to think of it... This emperor really has always put people on the top of his heart.

The maid was thrown back.

Soon, only the two of them were left in the dormitory.

Di Hancheng stared at the little girl who was sitting there waiting for him with concentration and obsession.

No, it's not his little girl now.

She is now his queen!

is his only one.

When    noticed that Dihancheng was walking in, Chacha immediately said, "Dihancheng, please help me take off this phoenix crown on my head... it's so heavy!"

almost crushed her little head.

"Okay." He walked over with a smile on his face and gently took off her phoenix crown.

She is already his queen!

is not a dream, it is real.

He put down his phoenix crown and squatted in front of Cha Cha, looking straight at her.

That gaze, with undisguised love.

Cha Cha was stunned by his somewhat straightforward eyes.


touched his little heart.

"Di, Di Hancheng? My heart is beating so fast, am I sick?"

She stammered and asked, and her face burned inexplicably.

Di Hancheng was in a better mood when she was teased by her appearance. He held her hand and coaxed her softly.

"I'm not sick, but Chacha needs to take the initiative to hug me. If you hug me, my heart will not be fast."

Seven-seven, […………] Oh! Dog Emperor!

Hearing this, Cha Cha got started without hesitation and went to Baodi Hancheng.

After a few seconds.

Cha Cha grieved with a bitter face, "You lied, your heart beat faster..."


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Di Hancheng: I lied to my daughter-in-law for a hug, happy!

(end of this chapter)