Chapter 224: Su Shao's little fairy (5)

Chapter 224 Su Shao's Little Fairy (5)

Chacha stared at him for a while.

looks a little tangled.

Finally, as if thinking of something, he nodded in embarrassment.


This time, it was Su Huan's turn to be completely stunned.

He looked at Cha Cha with a dull expression, as if wondering if he had hallucinated just now.

He seemed to hear her agree?

Is that what he thought?

The bottom of his dark eyes seemed to be surging.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, with a subtle expression, "Then I' yours from now on."

There is a bit of unbelievable temptation in the words.

Chacha nodded cooperatively, "Yeah."

Immediately after, he repeated, "My people."

Su Huan couldn't hide his excitement, "..."

This... is much simpler than he imagined.

Abducted the cute and soft little girl so easily?

He subconsciously raised his hand and touched his conscience... Well, forget it, conscience or something, let's not forget it.

As for guilt, that is even less of a thing.

Although I don't know why Little Cutie agreed so readily.

However, if he agreed, he agreed, and he couldn't go back, and he didn't accept her go back either.

Cha Cha turned around and sat back on the bed, and slowly took out the only two hundred dollars she had from her pocket.

I have to raise one more person in the future, it’s really embarrassing for me!

Qiqi, who was autistic, was a beat slower because of his reaction.

When it reacts again, it finds that it can no longer keep up with Chacha's thoughts.

It stared blankly at the big tail wolf who was in a good mood.

Looking at Chacha, who was worried about small money, it couldn't help but ask.

【Tea tea? Are you OK? He said he would give it to you, and you just accepted it? Don't you refuse? 】

This is so special... It's too coaxing, isn't it? ? ?

Hearing this, Cha Cha explained earnestly, "Qiqi, you forgot, I owe Dihan City a reward. Now, Su Huan asked me to accept him, so I will treat it as a reward for him."

Anyway, they are the same person.

Qiqi, [………] Where is my sword!

I'm so special, I'll go back and chop up Dihan City now!

What broken reward?

This plane, so easily caught Chacha into the pit?

It's really... very unpleasant.


Qiqi heard Cha Cha beep again.

"I'm so miserable, as a second-generation rich, but a second-generation rich with no money, I will have to support one more person in the future."

Seven-seven, […I always feel like something sounds wrong? 】

It hasn't figured it out yet.

Cha Cha has already walked to Su Huan with the money.

Su Huan's eyes are all hers.

Seeing her coming, the corners of his lips curled slightly, he raised his hand and tugged at his tie, the whole person looked a little more messy and beautiful.

With a determined smile in his eyes.

Since he has stayed, then of course people will be completely kidnapped.

Chacha's slender and tender fingers, holding two hundred yuan, shook it in front of Su Huan's eyes, followed by a soft voice.

"Hey, I only have so much money. I can buy sugar and remove part of it. The rest is for the two of us to eat, so... can you eat less?"

She looked serious and her voice was serious.

is completely discussing this issue with him.

Su Huan glanced at the two hundred yuan in her hand, and nodded dumbfoundedly.

"I am your person, so I naturally listen to you. What you say is what you say."

Hearing this, Cha Cha nodded with great relief, and patted his shoulder with a small hand like a sigh, "Young man, your consciousness is very high!"

If he doesn't let her buy candy or talk too much nonsense, then she might just... kick people out.


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(end of this chapter)