Chapter 225: Su Shao's little fairy (6)

Chapter 225 Su Shao's Little Fairy (6)

Chacha saw that Su Huan looked sincere, and his affection for him instantly increased by two points.

She said, "In that case, you can rest here and I will go to the supermarket to buy things."

Buy sugar, buy noodles…

I feel so miserable when I think about it.

Su Huan thought for a while, then suddenly got up and said, "I'll go, you can rest here well."

Chacha, "Ah? Are you sure you can?"

She swept Su Huan around suspiciously. It wasn't that she disliked him, it was really... He walked all the way and fainted in front of her eyes.

If something happens again, what should I do?

Su Huan looked serious.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now. Since I'm your person, I should also be responsible for your basic life."

After finishing his words, he raised his hand and took a hundred yuan from Chacha's hand.

Before Chacha could react, he turned and left.

Cha Cha lowered his eyes to see the hundred yuan left in his hand, and hurriedly clenched it, "..." Why do you think something is not right?

A little panic!

"Qiqi, shouldn't he be here to defraud me of money?"

【…You think too much, it’s only 100 yuan, it’s not worth it. 】 He wants to deceive, obviously it is you.

Qiqi sighed helplessly.

"That's right, then let's wait for him to come back!"

【Mmmm. 】

"Just in time, I took this time to familiarize myself with the software of the live broadcast platform."

【Chacha Come on! 】

"Qiqi, how does this live broadcast make money?"

【what? Look at Chacha, the gifts sent by the audience, after being divided with the platform, are your little money! If you don't understand anything, you can click in and see what everyone else is doing. 】

"That's it."

Cha Refreshment went in and took a look.

"Hey, playing games, singing, dancing, chatting... so many ways!"

【correct. 】

"Well, I know what to do."

When the words fell, she logged into her account and started the live broadcast.

There are basically no people in the live broadcast room, and the original owner can only get a basic salary.

Cha Cha took a look, "..." No one, that would be better.


Under Qiqi's expectant gaze.

Chacha first changed the name of the live broadcast room: Little Fairy Tea is super cute!

Then open the phone, find a far angle, and place it on the stand.

She put her chin on her hands and stared straight at the phone.

77, 【? ? ? 】

Five minutes passed.

Cha Cha still maintained the same posture.

Qiqi was stunned.

【Chacha, aren’t you live streaming? what are you doing? 】

Chacha, "I'm just streaming! However, I can't sing, dance... I don't seem to be very good at it? Games? I'm not interested.

Anyway, two hours of live broadcast, enough time?

Really can't do it, just wait for Su Huan to come back, I will cook and eat for them live! "

Two hours will soon pass.

Qiqi, […] Suddenly I don’t know what to say.

After talking to Qiqi, Cha Cha suddenly yawned, "So sleepy."

After two minutes.

Cha Cha fell asleep…

She was lying on the table.

The weak sunlight came in, the facial features were delicate, the cheeks were fair, and the appearance was well-behaved and soft, and the skin was even more beautiful. Without any filters, it was like a good white jade, shining brightly.

Qiqi, […I am so autistic! 】

Daily self-closing.

Self-closing to collapse.


The number of people in the live broadcast room is rising.

From miserable two-digits to three-digits, four-digits...

suddenly rose to several thousand.

Qiqi, who was planning to shut herself off, suddenly widened her eyes, came to her senses, and stared straight at the number of people in the live broadcast room.

(end of this chapter)