Chapter 251: Su Shao's little fairy (32)

Chapter 251 Su Shao's Little Fairy (32)

Su Huan glared at Chu Li speechlessly.

motioned to Chu Li to drive him and Chacha back quickly, so as not to have to wait a while for his family's Chacha's ideas to be wild...

"When Cha Cha came out of Ji's house, she seemed to be in a good mood?"

Su Huan quickly changed the subject.

Hearing this, Cha Cha nodded.

"Well, actually, my mother is a good talker, but Ji Yan and his daughter are talking too much nonsense."

she lowered her eyes and said.

Since the mother of Ji is mentioned, it is necessary to talk about the conversation with the mother of Ji.

She raised her head and looked at Su Huan with a serious expression, "Let me tell you, you were almost treated as a wild man just now."

Speaking of which, she gritted her teeth, looking like she wanted to bite.

Su Huan was stunned on the spot, "..." Ye? male? people?

Chu Li, who was driving the car, slammed on the brakes and tried to hold back the laughter for a long time, but finally he could no longer control it.

Chu Li's laughter echoed throughout the carriage.

After a full minute, Chu Li stopped laughing awkwardly.

Sorry, I really can't help it.

He ignored Su Huan's gloomy face, thinking in his heart that even if Su Huan killed him, he would still have to laugh.

Mr. Su Huan Su was regarded as a wild man?

This stalk, he can laugh for a lifetime!

Cha Cha took a look at Chu Li and always thought he was not very smart, was it funny?

didn't find it funny!

She tilted her head to look at Su Huan and continued, "Don't worry, I'll clarify for you, I won't let you be treated as a wild man."

However, Su Huan's expression still didn't look very good.

Cha Cha thought for a while, then leaned in front of him and whispered, "Hey, don't bother with Chu Li, he's stupid."

This stalk is really not funny at all.

Chu Li, "..." I...

Forget it, at this time, I still don’t talk.

If you are disliked, you will be disliked. It is much better than the consequences of Su Huan holding a small book to hold revenge.

In a way, his mind is still relatively quick.

Anyway, this stalk, he really laughed happily.

Su Huan stared at Cha Cha, dumbfounded, unable to describe his mood at the moment, he said after a long while.

"Then can you tell me how you clarified it?"

Mentioned this issue, Cha Cha looked proud.

"Of course tell her that you are mine!"

I raised it!

Su Huan was stunned for a moment, because of her words, a strange light suddenly glowed in his eyes, nostalgic and affectionate.

When she said this, she was serious, proud, and smiled very sweetly.

That heart, which had never been ups and downs, felt an unprecedented sweetness and warmth at this moment.

She inadvertently broke into his life, bringing him warmth, light, and letting him know that there is actually another way to live in life.

also let him know that there is another kind of temperature in this world besides coldness.

Life is not only bitter, but also the sweetness she brings.

is sweet to the core.

Next way.

Su Huan didn't say much, but his mood was obviously very good.

There was a smile on the corners of his lips, all the indifference was removed, and the whole body was warm.

From time to time, I take out sugar from my pocket and put it in Chacha's palm.

Every time he sees sugar, Chacha's eyes light up.

He actually has so much candy in his pocket?

After giving several sticks in a row.

When Chacha wants to eat candy, he will look at Su Huan eagerly, and the wet eyes will be as attractive as possible.

Su Huan finally sighed helplessly, "You've already eaten a lot, you can't eat any more today, you have to restrain yourself."

Cha Cha lowered her eyes in disappointment, and let out a listless oh.

Chacha's heart: If you don't give it, you won't give it, you still want to control my sugar...

Believe it or not, I let you sleep on the road at night?

Have you forgotten that you were raised by me? ? ?

(end of this chapter)