Chapter 252: Su Shao's little fairy (33)

Chapter 252 Su Shao's Little Fairy (33)

Su Huan clearly felt that after saying that sentence.

His little girl didn't want to see him anymore.

He didn't even give him a look, only the back of his head.

Su Huan, "..."

With a heavy heart.

It's almost time for Cha Cha's residence.

Chacha took the initiative to ask, "Little Chu? Let's go up and sit together and have a cup of tea."

After all, he sent her and Su Huan back and forth.

At least treat him to a cup of tea and a meal to express his gratitude.

Chu Li happily said, "Okay, okay!"

Sister-in-law invites him, of course he will not refuse!

Next second.

A cold gaze struck.

Chu Li's expression changed, and he sighed with a change of words.

"Then what, I suddenly remembered... I seem to have a very urgent matter to deal with, let's just drink tea, let's do it another day."

Cha Cha, "..."

She tilted her head and quickly looked at Su Huan.

Su Huan's warning gaze fell into Cha Cha's eyes before it was too late to withdraw.

"Are you threatening him?"

She asked with certainty, and there was no emotion in her voice.

Su Huan screamed badly, panicked.

's mind was pierced, he didn't know what to do, so he explained it subconsciously.

"Chacha, I...I..." However, after a long time, I didn't say why.

He warned Chu Li with his eyes not to disturb their two-person world. How could he know that she just happened to be seen by her? ? ?

Chacha glanced at him, snorted, and turned to leave.

Su Huan hurriedly got out of the car and chased after him, for fear that the little girl would not want him.

Chu Li watched this scene, her heart was complicated and messy, "..." I'm so special, I'm so difficult.

So here comes the question... Am I going now? Or stay?

I? ? ?

Forget it, let's go, if Su Huan can't coax the little girl and is kicked out at that time, won't he be blacklisted by Su Huan?

Su Huan finally caught up with the little girl.

The man has already arrived at the residence, he really never thought that the little girl's physical strength would be so good, not only can she run fast, but her face is not red and her heart is not beating.

Cha Cha stood at the door, not in a hurry to open the door, turned back to look at Su Huan, the stern face was full of seriousness.

"Do you have anything to say?" she asked.

Su Huan, "..." This is an opportunity for him to explain?

Of course you have to grasp it!

Su Huan didn't say a word, just admitted his mistake, "I was wrong."

Chacha, "...then where did you go wrong?"

Well, the speed of admitting mistakes is so fast!

Someone immediately made a deep reflection.

"I shouldn't let Chu Li come up..."

"What else?" Cha Cha sullen, young man, you missed the point!

Su Huan's expression flashed a bit of confusion, and soon, as if he realized something.

He added helplessly and hilariously, "I shouldn't control the sugar of tea tea casually."

When she was talking, Su Huan stared at Cha Cha's face firmly. Sure enough, when she said this, her eyes changed. Although it flashed by, he still caught it accurately.

always felt... that was the point of her unhappiness.

Chacha, "Then what should you do in the future?"

Su Huan, "I will always listen to Chacha in the future. I must obey Chacha unconditionally, pamper and love unconditionally..."

Chacha nodded gratified, that's right, serious attitude, um, very good.

Don't let him sleep on the road today!

She thought for a while, um, she has to comfort Su Huan, she has to give a sweet date after slap!

So, she raised her hand and patted Su Huan on the shoulder, "Su Huan, we have to be generous! As the host, we invite Chu Li and thank him for driving us back and forth, this is normal!"


Vote for the recommendation, it really hurts…………

(end of this chapter)