Chapter 271: Su Shao's little fairy (52)

Chapter 271 Su Shao's Little Fairy (52)

The next day.

Su Huan took Cha Cha to his apartment with lightning speed.

This apartment is excellent in terms of security facilities, environment and location.

Chacha was attracted as soon as he entered the door.

As if she could smell it, she waved Su Huan's big hand and ran straight towards one of the rooms.

Immediately afterwards, he stopped at the door and turned his head to look at Su Huan.

Wet eyes sparkling.

seems to be asking Su Huan: Can I go in and take a look?

Su Huan nodded, "This room is a surprise for you."

Chacha, "!!"

She turned around and pushed open the door.

I was completely shocked by the scene in front of me, surprised and delighted!

The pink room is full of girly hearts, completely different from the black and white style of the apartment.

Of course, if the room is just beautiful, you must not let Chacha be amazed.

This room has lollipops hanging all over the four walls, front, back, left and right!

Various flavors, colorful, almost like a candy house.

As long as she reaches out her hand, she can touch the sweet candy.

Not only that, but in the center of the room, there is also an oversized and delicate transparent cabinet filled with small cakes and various desserts!

Cha Cha, "!!" I'm willing to die in this room!

Qiqi, […Bah, bah, bah, don’t talk nonsense, it’s unlucky! 】

Qiqi said, looking enviously at the room full of sweets and small cakes. loves it too!

It really wants to crawl out to eat candy, cakes, snacks…

Alas, as a system, it is extremely humble.

Chacha looked left and right, little hands reluctantly touched various flavors of candy.

Immediately afterwards, his wet eyes looked at Su Huan.

"These candies... can you eat them all by yourself?" If you can't finish them, I can help you! Can't be wasted.

She remembered that he didn't eat candy very much, and he would only eat it every time she fed him.

Usually, you never seem to take the initiative to eat candy?

Thinking like this, his big watery eyes blinked, waiting for Su Huan's answer in anticipation.

Su Huan has long been so cute because of her appearance.

He said warmly, "It's all for you."

Candy for you, money for you, people for you, and life for you!

Cha Cha smiled sweetly at him, "!! Su Huan, you are such a nice person! It's not in vain that I raised you for so many days!"

Su Huan, who was suddenly praised as a good person, "..."

Is this the compliment I want?

Do not!

I want your people.

compliments or something, I don't need it.

Taking advantage of Chacha's happiness, Su Huan's eyes flashed, and he stepped forward a few steps.

At that time, the little girl was holding the candy in both hands, wishing she could put all the candy back in her pocket.

However, there is too much sugar to finish.

What if... you sleep with candy at night?

seems good too?

Chacha thought happily.

Su Huan had a smile on her lips, her voice was low, and it sounded beside her ear like a bewitching charm.

Su Huan, "Chacha, is sugar sweet?"

Chacha, "Yeah, sweet!"

Su Huan, "Will I give it to you?"

Cha Cha, "Good!"

Su Huan, "Let's go to the food street for a few turns at night, okay?"

Chacha, "Okay~"

Su Huan, "Let's go to collect the certificate tomorrow, okay?"

Cha Cha, "Good."

Su Huan, "!!"

Little cute agreed to get the certificate!


I was so happy that I couldn’t speak, and I was so excited!

Qiqi, […] Why am I crawling out to kill you! shameless!

Weekly recommendation ticket 35000 plus update chapter is coming, there are two more chapters for normal update.

The next chapter of Jiageng will have 41,000 recommended votes in the week. Come on, little cuties!

I don't know what happened, it doesn't seem to be very powerful today~~

(end of this chapter)