Chapter 272: Su Shao's little fairy (53)

Chapter 272 Su Shao's Little Fairy (53)

Cha Cha held the sugar in his arms.

As if he had reacted, he raised his eyes and looked at Su Huan in astonishment.

"what did you just say?"

Su Huan looked calm and answered in a serious manner.

"Oh, I just said we were going to collect the certificate tomorrow, and you agreed."

Steady, your expression can't collapse!

Chacha, "...Did I agree?" She was surprised.

Am I agreeing so easily?

Why can't I remember?

Qiqi, […Although I am very unhappy, I have to say that you do agree. 】

Qiqi felt that his heart was bleeding.

That is its precious host!

Its watery tea was just kidnapped by the big tail wolf again?

is really a headache!

Su Huan unhurriedly took out his phone from his pocket and played the conversation just now.

The dialogue between the two is clear and clear.

Chacha, "..." You are amazing!

There are also recordings...

She sighed, holding the candy, and spoke in embarrassment.

"Then... ok, just get the certificate..."

Anyway, after getting the certificate, it should be no different from now.

Don’t you need an extra certificate?

Su Huan couldn't be happier, obviously he didn't expect that it would be so smooth!

What else did he want to say, but, Chacha's attention was always on the sugar.

is even more holding on and not letting go.

Su Huan was angry and helpless, so she could only dote on and let her hold the candy.

whispered in her ear, "The sugar is all yours, no one will rob you, but you can't eat too much at one time."

The low voice is gentle and outrageous.

Cha Cha was in a good mood, and naturally nodded his head happily.

A hint of cunning flashed in his watery eyes.

whispered quietly to Qiqi in the bottom of my heart.

"I'm going to eat a lot!"

Of course, he must eat it secretly when Su Huan doesn't know about it, otherwise, he has been in her ear all the time, saying a bunch of useless things... It's really a bit noisy.

If it wasn't for him being raised by her, she wouldn't have given him a chance to talk nonsense.

Su Huan, who thought he had love, "..." In fact, he has been immersed in his own dreams.

Qiqi, […] Don’t say it, I understand.

Another day of clear, clear and clear tea residues...


Chacha, who had finished shopping at the food court, touched his belly, and his happy eyes almost narrowed.

"Su Huan, there are so many delicious foods, we will continue to eat them tomorrow!"

"it is good."

"Why are you so good?"

"I'm not good, I'm only good to Chacha alone."

Other people, nothing to do with me.

Hearing this, Cha Cha thought for a while, and without hesitation, got up from the sofa.

ran quickly to the room full of candy, grabbed a handful of candy, and handed it to Su Huan as if offering a treasure.

Su Huan, "...Chacha is so kind to me."

This time, I gave a lot of candy! So cute!

"Then I'll take a shower first, then go to bed!"

Tonight, she is going to sleep with Tang Meimei!

There are a lot of things prepared in the apartment, everything is ready, Cha Cha took a bath, changed into pajamas, and naturally walked into the room full of sugar.

Su Huan's face gradually darkened, "..."

Do you like sugar so much?

Can't you let go of the sugar?

Don't touch sugar even for a while?

His expression was complicated, and his heart was aching. If he knew this earlier, he might as well be her favorite candy, and be held in her hand and put into her arms every day!

The next second, Su Huan heard the soft sound of Chacha.

"Su Huan? Actually, can you put another bed in this room?"

In this way, I can sleep right here!

Chacha hugged a bunch of sugar and looked at Su Huan with anticipation.

Su Huan, "..." I'm autistic.

(end of this chapter)