Chapter 277: Su Shao's little fairy (58)

Chapter 277 Su Shao's Little Fairy (58)

"Son, you bring your daughter-in-law back for dinner and discuss the wedding by the way."

Forget it, let’s skip the proposal first, and it’s more appropriate to talk about the wedding directly. After all, this certificate has been received…

Mrs. Su felt more and more mysterious the more she thought about it.

How could the son actually trick the little girl to the point of getting a certificate?

It was clear that during the meal, the relationship between the son and the little girl was still at a disadvantage.

Su Huan refused without hesitation, "It's okay to have a meal, but not a wedding."

Mrs. Su was instantly stunned.

"What do you mean?" You coaxed the little girl, you don't plan to have a wedding?

Are you not afraid that the little girl will let you sleep on the road after she reacts?

The corner of Su Huan's mouth twitched, "Don't think about it, it's not that we don't have a wedding, I haven't proposed yet, and I'll have a wedding after the proposal, nothing less."


That's just to tie up the little girl first.

Mrs. Su, "..."


I still didn't go back to Su's house for dinner that day.

Because Chacha suddenly wanted to go back to Ji's house to see, the two went straight to Ji's house after receiving the certificate.

Jiang Qiaoyan's face suddenly became embarrassed when he saw Cha Cha and Su Huan, and he lowered his head with some guilt and guilt.

Speaking of which, that was her daughter too.

She is also distressed.

But over the years, she has given everything for the company.

The company is her hard work, so even if her daughter is a victim, she doesn't feel anything.

But at the moment when Su Huan lightly revealed the truth, she suddenly felt that she was not worthy of being a mother, and that kind of guilt flooded into her heart crazily.

Cha Cha glanced at Jiang Qiaoyan, then withdrew his gaze, went straight upstairs, and entered Ji Cha's room.

The room decoration is still the same as in the memory fragment.

She sighed, feeling a little distressed for the original owner.

The original owner... It's true that no one loves or loves him.

If Ji Yan's father and daughter hadn't seized the company later, maybe the original owner would have been given to someone else.

But in the end, Jiang Qiaoyan's thoughts and cruelty are the most terrifying, right?

The original owner probably knew it too.

Therefore, in those two tasks, there was no mention of relaxing relations with Jiang Qiaoyan.

One is to keep the company from being robbed.

Now it seems that with the strong backing of the Su family, Ji Yan and his daughter will not be able to make any waves even if they act as demons.

The second is to live broadcast well and live by live broadcast.

Ji Cha is probably thinking, after making money, he will completely leave the Ji family, right?

Chacha found a photo of Jicha in the room.

The season camellia in the photo is full of love, with a smile on his face, but his eyes are not as clear as they should be at that age, instead they are full of worries...

The princesses in the castle are not necessarily happy.

Cha Cha thought for a while and put the photo in his arms.

She whispered, "Ji Cha, I'll take you away!"

Go where you want to go.

Cha Cha just walked out of the room.

Ji Yan suddenly appeared again.

Chacha, "???" Are you Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?

ran out and jumped again?

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!" Cha Cha said angrily.

Ji Yan glanced at Cha Cha with a sneer. Just now, she received the news that Su Huan had received a marriage certificate.

In other words, her good sister has become the young lady of the Su family!

How can she accept this?

She worked hard and got nothing, but instead it promoted the emotional development of the two?

Isn't this trying to **** her off?

Ji Yan stared at Cha Cha frantically.

"Do you think Su Huan really likes you?

no! He also raised other people outside, and he spent a lot of money on a mysterious girl before!

This has been spread in the circle, but he has protected the girl's information very well, and no one knows who it is! "


Su Huan: Congratulations for another assist~

Weekly recommended ticket 47000 to unlock the next update chapter~Red duck~

What good night~

(end of this chapter)