Chapter 278: Su Shao's little fairy (59)

Chapter 278 Su Shao's Little Fairy (59)

Cha Cha's eyes flashed.

Big bucks?

Always feel inexplicably familiar?

Ji Yan saw that Cha Cha was silent, and added with a smile.

"Although Su Shao is not short of money, the relationship between the two is self-evident with the tens of millions of real money thrown in.

what about you? When did Su Shao give you money?

I see, you are nothing but the same in his heart. You got the certificate in such a hurry, what about the proposal? Where's the ring? What about the wedding?

He doesn't take you seriously at all! "

Cha Cha ignored Ji Yan and discussed with Qi Qi silently.

"Qiqi, why do I think Su Huan is so like the mysterious person C who gave me a gift last time?"

Qiqi, […] You finally found out?

It's not easy!

It is serious, [Yes, he is that person C with a lot of money. 】

Confirmed this matter, Cha Cha Youyou sent a comment, "Stupid."

The gift    has to give to the live broadcast platform, so he gave part of the money to the live broadcast platform in vain?

Too stupid!

Cha Cha sighed, slowly took out the black card from his pocket, and shook it in front of Ji Yan.

"I think, that mysterious little girl should be me, and all the money he spends is in my hands!"

Ji Yan couldn't care what Chacha was talking about.

Her eyes stared straight at the black card in Cha Cha's hand.

Su Huan's black card!

That is a status symbol, so he actually gave Chacha like this?

And it's still a black card, Su Huan's entire net worth, all the money in his name!

10 million is completely incomparable with the black card!

Oh, wait, what did Chacha just say?

The mysterious little girl is Chacha? ? ?

Ji Yan only felt her eyes dim, her body was shaky, and she was about to fall down almost in the next second.

Damn, what's the matter?

She tilted her body and hurriedly leaned against the wall, so she didn't fall down.

Chacha put the black card back in his pocket, looked at Ji Yan who was stimulated, took a step back silently, and pursed his lips.

"Stay away from me, this is Ji's family, don't think about touching porcelain, if you dare to touch porcelain..."

I, I will fulfill you!

Ji Yan's expression changed, touching porcelain?

She glanced around subconsciously, this position seems to be just right?

Nobody can see what's going on...

Between the lights and flints, Ji Yan pounced straight at Cha Cha.

Chacha, "???" You actually touched porcelain! ! !

is too much!

Chacha's hands hanging on his side, clenched the corners of his clothes, and pursed his lips with a face full of displeasure, really annoying.

Since this is the case, then she has become the whole season.

Clear and pure eyes, a bit of murderous intent in the blink of an eye.

Qiqiyi was startled and hugged himself tightly.

Tea, chachacha little cute... angry again?

Ah, terrible!

772 didn't say a word, hurry up to hide, so as not to hurt its miserable system.

At the moment when Ji Yan thought he was about to hit Cha Cha.

The familiar figure in front of her eyes suddenly disappeared.

She was startled, her pupils constricted.

even thought he had an illusion. could they suddenly disappear?

Too late to think about it.

The whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably, and before he could catch his breath, a dull pain suddenly appeared on his body.

When she tilted her head, she saw Cha Cha staring at her like a little devil, and her feet that were too late to retract. Then, she was kicked again with great strength.

Ji Yan screamed, "Ah - help, help!"

Su Huan downstairs heard the voice and his expression tightened. How could Ji Yan be above?

Are you bullying his family Chacha again!

(end of this chapter)