Chapter 285: Su Shao's little fairy (66)

Chapter 285 Su Shao's Little Fairy (66)

Su Huan, who is calm on the surface.

At this moment, he is silently squatting in the live broadcast room of Chacha.

Su Huan sneered when he saw a bunch of people calling him unhuman.

Logged in to the account, and quickly typed a line of words with your finger and sent it on the barrage.

【C: When you are a human, you can’t marry a little cutie, why do you want to be a human? 】

In the neat barrage, this sentence is particularly abrupt.

The barrage was silent again for a moment.

and many more.

What did they see?


What does mysterious C mean in that sentence?

everyone, "..."

Then, as if to help them confirm the fact, Su Huan wore C's vest and frantically painted golden fireworks.

One by one golden fireworks exploded in the live broadcast room.

Cha Cha, "..."

C, who is stupid and rich, is here again?

Ah... No, Su Huan, who is stupid and rich...


Su Huan?

Su Huan...! ! !

Chacha looked up in astonishment. Sure enough, Su Huan was still holding her mobile phone there. She looked down at the live broadcast room again, and the golden fireworks were still blooming.

Anxious, she quickly put down her phone, ran to Su Huan's place, grabbed the phone, and glared at him displeased.

Su Huan, whose phone was robbed, "What's wrong? Baby?"

He stretched out his hand to hold Chacha, but Chacha took a cautious step back and distanced himself from him.

Cha Cha took the phone, glanced at it, and then shook the phone in front of him again, threatening him fiercely, "If you spend more money to give me gifts, I'll let you sleep on the road!"

Are you stupid?

The money spent on the live broadcast platform has to be divided into half of the platform company!

So much money, how much sugar can you buy?

Can you drown her in the sugar sea?

Even if you have a lot of money, you don’t want to be a fool like this!

Su Huan smiled, "Okay."

Anyway, the money is almost spent, and his purpose has been achieved.

Especially now, Chacha is still on live broadcast, but he ran over to talk to him.

Oh, that's alright.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at his mobile phone pretending to be inadvertent, and sure enough...

The barrage has exploded!

This made him very happy.

Su Huan stretched out his hands, took advantage of Chacha's few seconds of thinking, and moved the man very quickly to hold him in his arms.

Chacha, "..." OK, then you hold it.

She took advantage of the trend and found a comfortable position to nest in his arms.

For a moment, she yawned.

"I'm sleepy." She said softly, a bit tired in her voice.

Su Huan instantly touched her head distressedly, and said softly, "Go to sleep when you're sleepy."

"Um... not right! I'm still live streaming!"

Chacha just closed her eyes, but the next second, she woke up suddenly, she jumped up from Su Huan's arms, ran to the sofa opposite, and found her mobile phone to continue the live broadcast.

It's all Su Huan's fault, he was so angry that he even forgot about the live broadcast... And there's still business!

She looked a little apologetically at the camera and said, "I'm sorry, I was just teaching my disobedient... the big bad wolf."

Audience, "..." Don't say it.

We already know that.

And we also know that your big bad wolf is that mysterious C.

This dog food...

The people who were still thinking of taking a knife to the one who Chacha married to the death battle sighed silently and put down their knife.

Hugely rich bigwigs...they might not be able to beat them together.

And in those few dialogues, they could also spy on Mysterious C's doting on Chacha.

To sum up, the label of the mysterious C: lavish, hugely rich, loves fairy tea, has a very good voice, and looks good...

Sorry, they suddenly became lemonade.

Not only that, but now there's one more tag: He also has super cute fairy tea! ! !

What kind of winner in life is this? ? ?

Today we are all lemon juice! ! !

(end of this chapter)