Chapter 286: Su Shao's Little Fairy (End)

Chapter 286 Su Shao's Little Fairy (End)

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha praised Su Huan again without hesitation.

Everyone, "???" Little cutie, do you think we are not sour enough?

Chacha is a serious and serious explanation.

"I think you have misunderstood him. He is really good, and I don't want anyone to misunderstand him."

And he's sweet too! Super sweet!

But I won't tell you!

When mentioning Su Huan, Cha Cha's eyebrows and eyes were filled with a smile that he didn't even notice, and his eyes were bright.

It can be seen that she is really happy.

Many people wailed, but they had to accept the reality.

The family is already together, very happy and sweet, no matter what they say, it is useless.

comes to the end.

Cha Cha put the phone upright, "There is one more thing I want to tell you, it is very important."

Everyone seemed to be expecting something, and a bad premonition arose, and immediately, everyone frantically swiped the screen: I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!

Don't talk! ! !

Chacha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said helplessly, "But, even if you don't listen, I still have to say it!"

Everyone, "..." is heartbroken.

Chacha, "Actually, I started a live broadcast today, just wanted to tell you, that it will no longer be broadcast in the future, and you don't have to wait for me anymore.

Originally, my live broadcast was a story by accident.

Now that the story is back on track, I have to do my own thing too!

Although we have known each other for a short time, I still want to thank you, especially those who stayed with me during my hardest time, thank you. "

She said the last sentence for Ji Cha.

Maybe there were not many people during Jicha's live broadcast, but those people appeared when Jicha was the most bitter.

This time.

The barrage is very quiet.

In the end, there is only a full screen of 【Goodbye, I wish you happiness. 】

Although it was very reluctant, they were willing to respect her choice.

Such a cute little girl, her life should be smooth and smooth, and she lives a very happy life...

Cha Cha exited the live broadcast room and breathed a sigh of relief.

She tilted her head, looked at Su Huan, and waved at him.

Su Huan's eyes flashed, and he got up and walked towards her. When he was about to get in front of her, he suddenly slumped and threw Chacha on the sofa.

Chacha's face flushed red, and her voice was intermittent, "!!! I, I know you are sweet, you, you, you don't, don't, let me taste..."

"Huh? Chacha what are you talking about? I just wanted to say a few words to you."

Su Huan looked at her slightly teasingly, his dark eyes were full of stars, and the corners of his eyes were in a trance with a little teasing.

Chacha, "???" Don't lie to me when you think I'm young.

Who said that?

She pouted, "Then say it!"

I see if you can name a flower.

Su Huan freed one hand and touched her head. How could his little baby be so good?

"Chacha is awesome, I was misunderstood, and I explained to others, I don't even know, I'm so good in the heart of Chacha..."

Cha Cha tilted his head and stopped looking at Su Huan.

"Then you know now! Of course, if you were more obedient, you would be better in my heart."

Su Huan was startled.

"I'm not obedient enough? I want to be better, Chacha, would you like to give an example, like?"

Cha Cha's face became more and more red.

"For example, if you are now, first!"

Hearing this, Su Huan chuckled.

"Forget it, I suddenly felt that I was already very good in Cha Cha Xin, I was very satisfied, and I didn't need to get better."

Cha Cha lightly kicked him in anger, "!!!"

You really are shameless!

That frying hair made Su Huan feel elated.

Qiqi, […Forget it, I’ll continue to close myself. 】

The sun is just right outside the window.

Indoor time is quiet and good, a room is warm.


's vote, good night.

The next update will be when the weekly recommendation ticket is 11,000~

(end of this chapter)