Chapter 298: Your Highness, I am super good (11)

Chapter 298 Your Highness, I am super good (11)

Mo Xinghuan didn't know why the little girl was staring at him.

I only know that my back is cold.

shivered uncontrollably.

He went to look at the little girl again, Chacha had lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. He seemed to be very focused.

The    man pondered for a moment, and slowly listed the favorable conditions for her to sleep here one by one.

For example: There are a lot of delicious food!

Another example: the environment is quiet, it is convenient to do things, and there is a bathtub next to it for bathing.

The little girl raised her head and looked at him with watery eyes.

"Did you know I was a girl when you saw me?"



Chacha is a little confused, is she disguised so badly?

She glanced down at her dress, looked up and asked, "Is it easy to see?"

It was clear that when she and the group of companions chose to fight for father this morning, they were still frightened by her.

Looking at the girl's look of anticipation, Mo Xinghuan couldn't bear to hit her, so he changed a slightly euphemistic expression.

"Actually, it's okay..."

Chacha, " look really reluctant."

is coaxing her again.

She sighed, "Easy to see, easy to see, go to bed first, and talk about tomorrow's business tomorrow."

Mo Xinghuan didn't know what happened.

Anyway, finally...

The little girl slept on his bed after taking a shower.

From a long distance, he could smell the little girl's fragrance.


He was nestled on the soft couch, and as soon as he closed his eyes, it was the breath of a little girl, as well as the silly look that was cute, soft, and sweet.

This night.

Both of them slept pretty well.

Especially Chacha, sleep soundly.

There are only seven or seven.

Repeated self-isolation and sadness in the small dark room.

So this round, after so much tossing, its stupid host didn't get any benefit in exchange for secrets.

In the end, he was coaxed to sleep on his bed by that shameless Mo Xinghuan.

[…] So angry.

According to this development, maybe next time, the two will share the same bed.

It is a cute and silly little cute.

Why was the big tail wolf staring at it?

Qiqi, who became more and more autistic when he thought about it, broke down when he couldn't think about it...

The next day.

When Cha Cha woke up, she was the only one in the bedroom.

She rubbed her eyes, very confused.

"Seven-seven?" she called out.

Um? Qiqi didn't answer her.

"Qiqi? Where have you been?"

Chacha shouted again, but still did not receive an answer.

“…………” Will the system still be offline?

She sighed, feeling complicated.

Yu Guang glanced at the men's clothes prepared by the bed, and the corners of her lips curled slightly, "Pretty careful."

for a long time.

Cha Cha, dressed in men's clothes, walked out of Mo Xinghuan's palace.

As soon as he took a few steps, he received the attention of a group of people.

took a step and swept along with the gaze.

She saw the eunuchs, palace maids, and guards who came and went, all staring at her with wide eyes.

looks shocked.

"..." The startled Cha Cha immediately looked down at his clothes, then reached out and touched his face.

should be no problem?

Why does she feel like these people have seen a ghost?

"Why did you come out?"

A familiar voice sounded, and as soon as Cha Cha turned around, she saw Mo Xinghuan walking towards her.

"Looking for you!"

She smiled and ran towards him.

Ah, her breakfast!

With the appearance of Mo Xinghuan, the eunuchs, palace maids, and guards all turned their attention away, those who should step back should step down, and those who should stick to their posts will continue to stick to their posts.

As if nothing happened.

But only they know in their hearts that the Prince's Palace will be turned upside down in the future!

(end of this chapter)