Chapter 299: Your Highness, I am super good (12)

Chapter 299 Your Highness, I am super good (12)

After this day.

There is one more news related to the prince in the Prince's Palace.

First, late at night, a guard saw that the prince and a handsome young man were behaving intimately, and it was suspected that the two returned to the bedroom.


It was the handsome young man who walked out of the prince's bedroom the next day.

This time, not only the guards saw it, but also many palace maids and eunuchs.

Of course, the news went round.

But no one dared to say anything more.

Only dare to say that the prince has a good relationship with the mysterious and handsome boy.

After all, the crown prince was deeply favored by the emperor. He wanted the wind to catch the wind and the rain to catch the rain, and the prince had always had a bad temper.

In this deep palace, no one dared to offend the prince, if you were a little careless, you would lose your head.

Naturally, rumors can only be said in private, and no one dares to say even a guess.

The news of    soon spread to the bunch of candidates for the prince's companions.

The sons are not like those palace maids and eunuchs who dare not guess.

They have been pampered since childhood, and they have learned a lot at home.

So, some people can't help but start to speculate, if this news is true, could it be that... the prince has a special hobby? ? ?

But it doesn't make sense, the prince is notoriously unfeminine, how could he be fascinated by a handsome boy?

Wait...not close to women...doesn't mean not close to men.

Soon, these idle young masters, the more they guess, the more outrageous they are.

There are even people who say that they are clearly candidates for companion reading, but in fact…

Tsk, can't go into details.

These young masters gathered together, and boredly began to speculate, who the handsome man was, and could actually be favored by the prince.

At that time.

Mysterious and handsome boy - cute tea.

was sitting with Mo Xinghuan for lunch.

When the two were together, the eunuchs and maids were all thrown back.

There were only two of them in the bedroom.

Chacha has nothing to notice, very happy.

In the past few days, Mo Xinghuan kept Chacha in the dormitory, and basically never left the dormitory.

Her daily routine: eating, sleeping, daze, chatting with Mo Xinghuan…



is very boring.

Qiqi, who collapsed and went offline, also went online, but found some novels for her to read, such as "XXX Biography", "XX Concubine", "XXX Raiders".

Chacha, "..." I'm thinking too much, I don't want to look at it.

She wanted to go out for a walk.

After dinner.

The little girl approached Mo Xinghuan and tugged at his sleeve, as cute as she could be.

The man's face changed, "..." If you have something to say, don't be rude.

I can't stand it.

He looked away with a dark face, daring to look at her.

Seeing that he looked away, the little girl was not happy.

"Your Highness? Look at me, look at me!"

The man froze for a moment, and then put his eyes on her again.

Those wet eyes slammed into his heart fiercely, and he was helpless, reaching out and rubbing her head.

"Tell me, what do you want to eat?"

Chacha shook his head, "No no no, look at me, does it look like a moldy sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

Mo Xinghuan was stunned, "???" What kind of metaphor is this.

Chacha was very satisfied with his reaction and explained with a smile.

"I want to go out and bask in the sun, you can go out for a walk every day, and I also want to go out for a walk!

If you smell it, is it a musty smell? If you don't let me out, I will really get moldy! "

As she spoke, she stretched out a hand and held it in front of Mo Xinghuan's nose.

The man was startled for a moment, then he firmly grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, his dark ink eyes full of smiles.

"There is no musty smell, only fragrance, tea tea is fragrant and sweet."

Weekly recommendation ticket 26000 plus update chapter.

The next chapter will be updated with 31,000 recommended votes in the week.

(end of this chapter)