Chapter 300: Your Highness, I am super good (13)

Chapter 300 Your Highness, I am super good (13)

Mo Xinghuan's ridicule made Cha Cha a little speechless.

"Do you think I'm sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

She muttered softly, intending to withdraw her wrist from the man's hand.

Every time I talk to him, he is not serious.

She doesn't want to talk to him about business anymore!


took a breath.

did not draw back.

Someone's grip is even tighter.

"..." Sensing his strength, she was helpless, "Let go."

The little girl's eyes were wet, with light in her eyes, and she looked like she was very bullied.

Mo Xinghuan's eyes flashed, he didn't want to let go at all.

"If I don't let go, what are you going to do?"

Cha Cha closed his eyes.

What an unreasonable man!

It seems that she has been so good-tempered recently, which makes him think she is good at talking.

Then, she lifted her leg and gave him a light kick.

The small face rubbed in front of him, narrowing the distance between the two faces.

She said fiercely, "If you don't let go, I'll step on you and kick you!"

Her voice is soft, and with her fierce look, the more she looks cute.

has no lethal power at all.

On the contrary, the more you look, the better you will be bullied.

Mo Xinghuan looked at the little girl who was close to him, he slowly loosened his strength, and was very cooperative.

"I'm so scared."

However, the calm voice did not show any fear at all.

chacha, “…”

You are acting too perfunctory!

Unfortunately, Mo Xinghuan's appearance aroused Chacha's desire to fight.

She narrowed her eyes, and her other hand slammed around his neck, half hanging on him with a super fierce expression.

"Say it again, you're afraid! Seriously!"

Xu was emotional, her figure was a little unstable, Mo Xinghuan freed up a hand at the right time, wrapped her waist, and took the person into his arms.

Looking at the little girl's serious look, he opened his mouth with a smile.

"Well, I'm afraid, I'm really afraid."

In order to make Chacha feel his seriousness, he deliberately repeated it.

Cha Cha's face turned black, and the hand that hooked his neck deepened a bit.

"Just talk, don't laugh, don't take it seriously!"

Don't think she didn't see it, even if he repeated it, he was still perfunctory her.

He wasn't afraid at all.

Mo Xinghuan's voice was gentle, "Then Chacha, tell me, what does it mean to be afraid? Let me listen to it and see if I can satisfy you?"

He said, releasing Cha Cha's wrist.

quietly moved his hand to her waist.

While she was not paying attention, he wrapped his hands around her waist.

slowly and lightly lifted the person to him.

Chacha didn't notice his movements, and was thinking seriously.

Immediately afterwards, she found that her wrist, which was held by Mo Xinghuan, had been released at some point.

She was overjoyed.

Both hands hooked around his neck.

Seriously like a little teacher, "Let me tell you, at the very least, you should be afraid, and you should show your expression? For example, if you say you are afraid, then at the very least you should have panicked eyes, unmanageable expression, and trembling all over your body. , with a pale face..."

looked at the little girl in his arms and said this to him seriously.

His dark eyes were full of gentle nostalgia.

For a long time, he wondered, "It's too difficult to learn, why don't you teach me."

Chacha, "!!!"

Good gas!

Very angry.

"Mo Xinghuan, are you kidding me!" Cha Cha instantly frowned.


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(end of this chapter)