Chapter 302: Your Highness, I am super good (15)

Chapter 302 Your Highness, I am super good (15)

Mo Xingmu only felt that the whole person was struck by lightning.

I didn't expect that the emperor's brother was like this.

He thought it was the handsome boy who played tricks.


His brother is the one who controls everything, right?

This result is really unexpected.

Noticing that Mo Xingmu had not said a word for a long time, Mo Xinghuan tilted his head to look at him, "Is there anything else?"

The meaning of    is self-evident.

Mo Xingmu shook his head, very consciously retreated from the bedroom, and closed the door by the way.

Well, he understands.

His imperial brother was driving him away.

At the same time, he is also telling himself that the relationship between the two is really close...

"Why did he leave again? Isn't he looking for you for something? He looks flustered?"

Cha Cha asked him in confusion.

Could it be that you are not suitable here?

What you want to say, can't let her hear?

So, he left?

Mo Xinghuan immediately explained, "That means he has nothing important to do."

The rumors in the palace, he naturally knew.

Since this matter, even Mo Xingmu knew about it, it was probably spread throughout the entire palace.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the well-behaved little girl in his arms.

"Don't you want to go out for a walk? Beginning tomorrow, be my companion and read with me, okay?"

"Okay!" Cha Cha nodded, very happy.

You can go out for a spin tomorrow!

Immediately afterwards, she asked seriously.

"Then is there anything I should pay special attention to? For example: what can't be done, what can't be said? Will it cause you trouble or something..."

He is now the prince, and there is an emperor above him, and there are many people around him who covet his crown.

It can't be an accident because of her.

Mo Xinghuan had a smile on his face, his little girl was not stupid at all.

On the contrary, he is extraordinarily well-behaved, and he is a little distressed when he is well-behaved.

He raised his hand, squeezed a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and brought it to the little girl's lips.

"With me here, no matter what you do, you don't need to worry."


She opened her mouth and took a bite.

Sweet and fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus cake, be sure to bring some when you read tomorrow.

Mo Xinghuan looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that she had bitten in half, and put the remaining half into his mouth with a smile on his face.

Before Chacha could react, she squeezed another piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and brought it to her lips.

I was thinking about how many goodies and teas I should bring when I read, but I didn’t notice this little detail at all.

Seven Seven, 【…………】

Autism is great!

Autism loves me, I love autism…


The candidates for the companions of the Prince's Palace were suddenly taken out of the palace by the eunuchs, saying that they were to be sent out of the palace, and they each went home.

Everyone was stunned.

and many more?

Did they miss something?

Didn't it say that the prince's companion should be chosen from their group?

They were kicked out before they even started to compete?

What about the prince's companion reading? ? ?

Who should be the prince's companion?


A group of people were dumbfounded and at a loss.

If he just returned home in such a confused way, he would be beaten to death by his father.

Before they entered the palace, they all came with the hope of their father.

vowed to get acquainted in front of the prince.

No matter how bad it is, it is good to say a few words.

But now, they were not familiar with each other, and they didn't even speak, and they were inexplicably kicked out of the Prince's Palace without even seeing the prince.

"..." Shame!

Too embarrassing!

Anyway, the fathers of these people are also powerful people, how can they be bullied like this?


Chacha: I'm sorry, when you were still thinking about competing with the prince to read, the prince and I had already slept together.

(One room, Moduo thinks.)

Weekly recommendation ticket 31000 plus update chapter, next time plus update chapter weekly recommendation ticket 36000.

(end of this chapter)