Chapter 303: Your Highness, I am super good (16)

Chapter 303 Your Highness, I am super good (16)


No matter how unwilling everyone is, they can't make a fuss about the prince's palace.

can only honestly be sent out of the palace unwillingly, and then go back to their respective homes.

At the same time, there was news from the palace.

The candidate for the companion reading of the Prince has been decided.

This evening.

Almost many ministers have very complicated hearts.

Prince has a companion reading quietly?

There is a handsome boy in the prince's bedroom?

Somewhat clever, he immediately linked the companion with the handsome boy and seriously thought about the possibility that the two were the same person.

But, thinking about it, it doesn’t feel right.

Rumors, the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

It is said that there are people in the prince's bedroom, so they didn't see it with their own eyes!

Besides, who doesn't know that His Royal Highness is notoriously cold, like an iceberg, and even more unfeminine.

Instead of worrying about the so-called handsome boy.

Might as well think carefully about who the companion is.

Before this, no one got wind of it in advance.

It can be seen that the companion reading is not an ordinary person...

Just when everyone is guessing who the companion will be.

Prime Minister's Mansion, Ning Xiang looked terrified.

Those who were selected as companions were sent out of the palace by the prince's people, but Ning Cha didn't come back?

The unease in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

I always feel that the brainless person will cause him a lot of trouble...

This night, I don't know how many people couldn't sleep because of the trouble with the Prince's companion reading.

And in the palace.

The two parties were sleeping peacefully.

The next day.

Mo Xinghuan took Chacha out of the Prince's Palace when Chacha felt the eyes of many people secretly looking at him.

Prince's companion reading, many people know a little bit.

Many people are very curious about this companion.

Therefore, some masters of various palaces who could not sit still sent their confidants to wait near the Prince's Palace.

wants them to snoop some news to bring back.

Cha Cha swept around, reached out and quietly pulled the corner of Mo Xinghuan's clothes.

"None of these people look very friendly."

The prying eyes were too obvious.

The    has obviously reached the point where Chacha is a little irritable.

Mo Xinghuan paused, his icy eyes swept around, and all of a sudden, those people were silent.

"It's alright, let's go."


This little thing seems to be just a small episode.

When Mo Xinghuan brought people to the reading place, he realized that there were many more people than usual.

In the past, only the third prince, Mo Xingling, the fourth prince, Mo Xingmu, and the other two little princes read together, but at this moment, those who could almost call out their names and those who could not name them all came.

Mo Xinghu lowered his eyes.

The corner of his lips drew a hint of irony.

So many people, do you want to see his companion?

Still want to spy on the matter of raising a handsome boy in his bedroom?

Or, both?

However, no matter how curious everyone is, no one dares to ask: His Royal Highness, is the companion next to you the legendary handsome boy raised in the bedroom?

Who dares to ask this?

Man said whether the story of the handsome young master was true, and even if it were true, no one would dare to say nothing in front of Mo Xinghuan.

'Pretty Young Master' Cha Cha silently moved behind Mo Xinghuan.

These people's eyes are too unpleasant.

However, she had to control herself and not beat them.

hitting someone will cause Mo Xinghuan trouble.

Although he said that no matter what you do, there is no need to worry.

But she's not stupid.

will not beat people in public.

She will keep her revenge silently, and when no one is there, she will fight one by one...

(end of this chapter)