Chapter 331: Your Highness, I am super good (44)

Chapter 331 Your Highness, I am super good (44)

After being stunned for a while.

Cha Cha glanced at the corner of the quilt that Mo Xinghuan was holding, she gritted her teeth and exerted a little force on her hand.

pulled the horn back.

Then he hugged the quilt, tilted his head, and closed his eyes to pretend to be asleep.

What if it was discovered?

As long as I sleep fast enough, you have no proof that I am pretending to be asleep!

Mo Xinghuan's brows and eyes were all smiles when she was so foolish, she really was a little fool.

Taking advantage of the little girl's eyes closed, he smiled slightly and lay down beside her bed.

Then he leaned into her ear and said softly, "Baby? Can you give me a little bit of the quilt? It's cold and I'll catch a cold if I don't have a quilt."

Chacha, "!!!"

You just talk, what are you doing so close to me?

She leaned to the side, tilted her head and glared at him fiercely.

Anyway, if you can’t pretend to be asleep, then you won’t be pretending.

A light breath enveloped her, and Cha Cha felt the air was a little hot for no reason.

She hummed and gave the quilt to Mo Xinghuan, "I'm going to bed, don't let me tie your hair, I'm very tired, what's the matter, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

This is particularly unfounded.

She obediently hugged the quilt, for fear that someone would pull her up and tie her hair.

The man let out a chuckle, the emotional meaning of which was unclear.


Chacha felt the heat in his ears.

He leaned over again.


"Baby, didn't you see that the candlelight has gone out? In this case, how can you tie your hair?"

The man rested his head on his side and lay beside her.

Cha Cha, "... um."

"...Why are you nervous?" The low hoarse voice overflowed.

Under the silent night, there are unusual hooks and people.

The little girl retorted, "I am not nervous! You are wrong!" Why should I be nervous?

Obviously it was Mo Xinghuan's brain-twitching mood.

I don't know how to say it properly, and I call her baby, baby...

"Huh? So, you, you, you are not nervous?"

The man's eyes darkened a bit, looking straight at her, his hoarse voice, low and inexplicable.

chacha, “…”


Learn her to speak!

The little girl was forced to panic, her expression tense, and she threatened coldly, "Why are you talking so much? Do you want to sleep? If you don't sleep, go back to your soft couch and don't delay my sleep!"

The man bowed his head and drew closer, his voice flirtatious.

"Baby, are you sure you can sleep? You've slept all afternoon."

Cha Cha looked at him blankly, yes, she has slept all afternoon, so she couldn't fall asleep just now, is that the reason?

Can't sleep?

What if you can't sleep?

is a little confused.

The    man seemed satisfied with her reaction, and deliberately leaned into her ear and whispered.

"Since we can't sleep, let's do something else."

"??? What?" the little girl murmured, always feeling... as if something was out of control.

However, I can't catch it.

The night was silent.

Chacha's ear seemed to drop a voice.

Suddenly, her face was blushing, and even her earlobes were a little red.

"You you you you... no, shameless..."

Mo Xinghuan half-squinted his eyes, it turns out that his baby doesn't understand anything.

Do you still know how to call him shameless?

He chuckled, his eyes full of light.

The bright moon outside the window seemed to be stained with a layer of crimson.

"Be good, don't be afraid..."

landed on Cha Cha's ear with a bewitching voice.

The big hand with distinct phalanges landed on her quilt...

(end of this chapter)