Chapter 332: Your Highness, I am super good (45)

Chapter 332 Your Highness, I am super good (45)

The next day.

Until the sun rises three poles.

Chacha was still lying in bed.

She held the quilt in her hands, buried her head in the pillow, and her earlobes were still a touch of crimson.

The man was lying neatly beside her, looking at her with his head propped up.

There is a streamer flashing under the eyes.

"Lunch is ready, show your head and eat first, okay?"

The little girl snorted angrily.

Brightly didn't want to pay attention to him.

Why bully her!

He agreed to listen to her, but last night, he didn't listen to what she said, and forced her to say shameful words.

She has never seen such a shameless person.

She doesn't want to pay attention to him now, and she won't pay attention to anything he says.

Mo Xinghuan was in a very good mood, he lowered his head and smiled slowly.

"Baby? You didn't eat breakfast. If you didn't eat lunch, you'd be hungry for a day. You'll have no energy. If you don't have the energy, then if I do anything later, you won't even have a chance to resist... …”

Chacha, "!!!"

She turned over suddenly, revealing her little furry head.

Pretty face blushed, but her face was stained with a little anger, her beautiful eyes were round, she complained angrily, "You are shameless!"

"You dare to starve me for a day, I, I..." He seemed to be in a hurry, and he seemed to have not thought of the second half of the sentence.

He didn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"How are you?"

was unnatural, the man couldn't help teasing her when he saw her small appearance.

The little girl is sweet, soft and delicious.

The taste of not being human is really beautiful.


He actually doesn't mind continuing to be a human being.

Being a shameless beast is really good.

The little girl held back for a long time, her wet eyes were full of grievances, she complained angrily, "You bully me, I want to run away from home! I don't want you anymore!"

Mo Xinghuan was both funny and distressed when she saw the little girl frizz.

The big hand fell on her head, smoothing the hair gently.

"Well, my fault, but after lunch, I have the strength to hit me. At night, I'll let my baby bully me back, okay?"

Chacha blinked, bullied back?

Hit him?


Then eat first.

Save some strength, and then at night she beat him first, and then kicked him under the bed.

She just didn't pay attention last night.

was bullied by him.

Now that he has experience, if he can still bully her, she will turn her head off and kick it as a ball!

Thinking of this, Cha Cha nodded reluctantly, "Okay."

Qiqi, […………] Please don’t make any oaths.

will really slap the face.

Seeing her softened attitude, the man reached out and carried her out of the quilt.

Next second.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, she looked down at herself, groaned, turned her head in a panic, and grabbed the quilt to wrap herself.

The man's eyes sank, and his voice was soft and outrageous, "Baby, don't move, I'll help you put on your clothes first."


After a cup of tea time.

Cha Cha blushed and sat there neatly dressed to eat.

His little head was buried very low, and he only focused on drinking porridge, without even taking a look at his favorite sweet and sour pork ribs.

The man smiled with a special meaning. He got up, reached out and put the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs in front of her, as if he was afraid to startle her, and his voice was extremely low.

"Baby, you..."

However, this title seemed to touch a certain nerve of hers.

Chacha raised his head sharply, staring at him fiercely, with a cold and fierce threat, "Don't call me baby!!!"

If you dare to shout again, I, I will run away from home!

woo, cry chirp.

is too bullying.

(end of this chapter)