Chapter 335: Your Highness, I am super good (48)

Chapter 335 Your Highness, I am super good (48)

Until the figure left the imperial study.

The emperor suddenly remembered that there was one more thing he didn't say!

In the palace now, there is almost an uproar.

Everyone knew that Mo Xinghuan's Prince Pangdu was a woman disguised as a man, and she was also an extremely beautiful little girl.

And the little girl is the daughter of Ning Xiang's family.

At the beginning, the wind direction is still good.

No one thinks deeply.

But there is no guarantee that no one will take the opportunity to throw dirty water in the basin.

The reputation of the little girl's family is very important. It has been rumored that the two of them slept together in the dormitory. If it continues like this, the consequences will be very serious.


Mo Xinghuan is not a low-key person. If he messes up a few things, it might hurt the little girl's reputation a lot.

But this time.

The emperor miscalculated.


When Cha Cha woke up, people were already in the carriage.

She was being held in his arms by Mo Xinghuan.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and looked at him in astonishment, "Mo Xinghuan? Where is this going?"

She seems to have never come out since she entered the palace.

How could he suddenly bring her out?

The man looked down at her with a gentle expression, "Send you home."

"Huh? Go home?"

The little girl sat up and looked confused, "Why did you send me home?"

In Prime Minister Ning's mansion, there seems to be nothing worthy of her nostalgia?

I don't want to go back.

She pouted, always feeling that Mo Xinghuan wanted to eat and refused to accept it.

Mo Xinghuan reached out and rubbed her little head, "Don't think too much, didn't you say you want to teach Ning Xiang a lesson? You couldn't leave the palace last time, but this time, I'm sending you back, aren't you happy?"

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head to look at him, "Is it really just like this?"

She didn't believe what he said.

Mo Xinghuan sighed, curled her index finger slightly, and tapped her smooth little forehead, "My tea is awesome, and I'm getting smarter and smarter."

Cha Cha, "..." I think you're coaxing a three-year-old child.

Mo Xinghuan looked at her deeply, "Actually, this is only part of the reason, there is another part of the reason, you are still a little girl, you can't stay in my bedroom all the time, it's not good for your reputation, so I can only I'll send you back to the Prime Minister's Mansion for a few days, and then I'll marry you home in an upright manner."

He wanted to tell the world that she was his.

But he also knew that people were terrible.

His little girl cannot be hurt by gossip because of his selfishness.

He was reluctant.

Last night, he was thinking about how to deal with this.

After all, he couldn't hold back, and he kept her for another night.

Chacha listened to his words, and only felt warm in his heart.

She nodded, "Okay, listen to you."

After saying this, she felt that something was wrong, she shook her head and whispered, "It's obviously you who listened to me, how come I listened to you again?"

Mo Xinghuan smiled and reached out to hug the person back into his arms.

"Just this time, listen to me, and I will listen to you for the rest of my life."

A low voice fell on the little girl's ear.

Pretty face blushed, she tilted her head and pretended to force, "Okay."

Well, I always feel that this person is becoming more and more able to speak.

She knew what to say to her. If she found out that he was disobedient in the future, she must think about it carefully, how to teach him a lesson!

Qiqi listened to the dialogue and was heartbroken.

My stupid host, why didn't you notice the words "the rest of your life"?

For the rest of your life, why should you have a relationship with him?

ah ah ah ah!

gas to self-closing.

(end of this chapter)