Chapter 336: Your Highness, I am super good (49)

Chapter 336 Your Highness, I am super good (49)

The front hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Ning Xiang stood aside, bowed his head, feeling complicated.

He did not expect that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would personally send people back.

Of course, he never thought that this dumb-looking daughter would really captivate the Prince Gou.

Just the things that came out of the palace were enough to shock him.

Now, seeing with his own eyes the prince's love for Cha Cha, he couldn't even say a word.

Knowing that there would be such a result.

Whatever he says will make good use of this piece.

instead of tearing up with this piece.

He didn't know whether the prince knew about the last poisoning, but at present, it is very likely that the prince knew.

Perhaps, the letter that Chacha asked Mo Xingling to bring over was also a lesson the prince taught him.

Thinking of this, Ning Xiang only felt a little cold on the back of his neck, and subconsciously, he touched his head, for fear that one day, his head would move house.

Then the problem comes again.

Chacha is so favored, is it a blessing or a curse for the Prime Minister's Mansion?

After all, he is still on the side of the third prince.

One is the third prince, who is uncertain whether he can succeed in the position, and the other is Mo Xinghuan, who is already the prince.

Between the two, if you had to choose one, probably everyone would choose Mo Xinghuan, who was the prince?

The road of the third prince, no matter how you go, is very difficult.

At this moment, Ning Xiang's heart suddenly shook.

If you can coax the silly daughter well, it seems that it is not too bad?

"Ning Xiang? What are you thinking, so absorbed?"

Mo Xinghuan's voice came softly, interrupting Ning Xiang's thoughts.

Ning Xiang hurriedly apologized.

"I just feel that it is a great blessing for the little girl to enter the eyes of His Royal Highness the Prince."

"Huh." Mo Xinghuan sneered and gave Ning Xiang a meaningful look.

"Before this prince came, the royal father was already drafting the decree."

Hearing the words, Ning Xiang was stunned for a moment, what is the purpose? For what purpose?

He glanced at Cha Cha quietly, wanting a reminder, but unfortunately, the little girl didn't look at him at all, so Ning Xiang had to cautiously say, "Dare to ask His Royal Highness..."

"The imperial decree for marriage, Ning Xiang and wait in the mansion."

Mo Xinghuan interrupted him.

Don't stare at Ning Xiang with deep meaning, those sharp eyes can't wait to see through people.

Even though Ning Xiang has been in the court for many years, he can handle all kinds of games with ease.

But when facing Mo Xinghuan, he was still under some pressure.

Prince Prince's aura is too intimidating, and even today's sage has never been so intimidating...

Mo Xinghuan turned to look at Cha Cha and said softly, "I'll take you back to your residence."

's gentle voice shocked Ning Xiang.

This change of attitude, "..." is simply frightening.

Looking at the little nerd of his own, he even nodded his head. The relationship between the two seems to have already been decided...

Ning Xiang worked hard to suppress the stormy waves in his heart. For the first time, he felt that this move was wrong.

Mo Xinghuan held Chacha, glanced at Ning Xiang who was still in a daze, and became more and more dissatisfied, "Ning Xiang? Why don't you let someone lead the way!"

Ning nodded in succession, "His Royal Highness, please."

Cha Cha followed Mo Xinghuan, seeing Ning Xiang like this, he just felt very funny.

After all, in Ning Cha's memory.

Ning Xiang has always been arrogant, never bowed his head, and even scolded their mother and daughter when they opened their mouths, without any good temper.

Chacha's eyes are deep, and the clear eyes have changed.

The moment he lowered his eyes, he felt a little bit of anger in a trance.

(end of this chapter)