Chapter 384: Sweet green plums (33)

Chapter 384 Green plum sweet and sweet (33)

Jiang Lihuan opened the book in his hand and handed it to Cha Cha.

"Then the little short-legged big bad wolf above, tell me, who drew it?"

The fierce little girl immediately turned into a guilty mode.

Her dark eyes rolled.

thought: He found it!

It had been three days before he found out.

Sure enough, a bit stupid.

"...I drew it! Don't you think the big bad wolf above is very... cute? The little short-legged big bad wolf is super cute!"

Cha Cha entered nonsense mode with no red face and no heartbeat.

"Cute?" The cold voice was full of doubts.

Chacha nodded obediently.

"Yeah, super cute!"

The little girl pointed at the big bad wolf in writing while saying that.

"Look at these short legs, look at this cute is it."

Jiang Lihuan let out a low laugh, closed the book, and threw it aside.

"It's the first time I heard that the big bad wolf is cute, and it is also the first time I saw that the big bad wolf has a pair of short legs, and the little wild cat has a pair of long legs."

He was in a good mood.

His little girl is too cute.

He was so cute that he couldn't help it.

Relying on the appearance of someone not very smart, Cha Cha continued to talk nonsense.

"Then you should thank me, because I have broadened your horizons. After all, this world is full of wonders."

Jiang Lihuan laughed out loud at her serious look.

How can a little girl be so cute?

He was helpless.

"Thank you for one more dish tomorrow."

Cha Cha's eyes flashed, "..." It's so coaxing.

One more dish in just a few sentences, so great!

She nodded solemnly, steady, not too happy, to be calm, to be calm.

After three seconds.

Cha Cha put down the snacks, got close to him, and urged, "Read the book quickly, and ask me if you can!"

I'm still waiting to sleep!

"it is good."

Jiang Lihuan sat next to her, picked up the book just now, and opened a page at will.

Seeing that he seemed to be quite serious, Cha Cha nodded with satisfaction.

You should have a serious learning attitude!

She tore open a bag of snacks with relief, and ate on his bed for a while.

I don't know how long it took, but almost all the snacks she brought, Jiang Lihuan was still reading.

"How can you not..." she asked weakly.

doesn't look like he's in a good mood.

After he finished speaking, he yawned.

seems a little sleepy.

Jiang Lihuan looked up at her with a smile in his eyes.

"You lie down for a while, and I'll ask you later if you have any questions."

Cha Cha raised his face laboriously and glanced at him.

"Well, you remember to call me."

The little girl was so sleepy that she could barely open her eyes.

The little head that was slumped, just leaned on the pillow, it seemed to be glued to it, motionless...


The little girl went to sleep.

Jiang Lihuan tilted his head, looking at her with nostalgia in his eyes, the cold-hearted boy seemed to have nothing to do with him.

The    boy is still the same boy, but he is a little aggressive all over his body.

Under dim light.

He looked at her pretty face and gradually became fascinated.

The little girl has fair skin and a little crimson.

looks soft and hydrated.

The slender fingers with distinct knuckles stretched out uncontrollably.

He pinched her little face very lightly.

very soft very soft.

It took a while.

He withdrew his hand.

I saw a few fingerprints on the little girl's fair face.

He was stunned.

He doesn't seem to be exerting any strength... The little girl is too soft.

After thinking about it, he let out another low laugh. He got up and put the quilt over her body with gentle movements.


Six more.

There is a monthly ticket to vote for a monthly ticket~

(end of this chapter)