Chapter 385: Sweet green plum sweet (34) seven more

Chapter 385 Green plum sweet and sweet (34) seven more

Just then, the phone vibrated suddenly.

Jiang Lihuan glanced down.

is a video call from grandpa.

He found the earphones, and then pressed to answer.

As soon as    was connected, the old man asked anxiously.

"you and……"

Before all the words could be said, the old man's expression changed, staring directly behind Jiang Lihuan.

Next second.

The old man scolded angrily.

"You little beast, I asked you to develop a relationship with Cha Cha, how did you cultivate it? How did she lie on your bed? What did you do to her???"

Jiang Lihuan walked out of the room with a cold face, making sure that the sound would not affect Chacha, so he spoke slowly.

"That's what you see, it's normal to cultivate feelings."

The old man was speechless.

That's how you were raised?

I think you are kidnapping a little girl.

Believe it or not, I will go back and kill you?

For a long time, the old man sighed in a complicated mood.

"She's only eighteen years old, how dare you do it!"

He looks like a very cold person, why is he... so shameless?

Jiang Lihuan glanced at the old man expressionlessly.

"Didn't you always create opportunities for me? If I don't grasp it, how can I be worthy of your painstaking efforts?"

The old man was silent.

for a long time.

He sighed with a dark face.

"I'm asking you to develop feelings, do you understand what I mean? I'm not asking you to do some nasty things to her, you..."

How can a good child become a beast?

The old man was so angry that he was even more angry when he thought that he personally sent people to Jiang Lihuan.

Seeing that the old man raised his hand to cover his heart.

Jiang Lihuan explained lightly.

"She was helping me make up lessons. She was tired and fell asleep while lying in bed, that's all."

Father, "..."

Jiang Lihuan continued, "Grandpa, what are you thinking?"

The old man knew that he had misunderstood, so he snorted in anger, raised his hand and hung up the video call.

Excessive, he knew he had misunderstood, but he didn't explain it. He had to wait until he was so angry that his heart ached before he opened his mouth to explain...

Watch him go back and not grab someone and beat him?

Jiang Lihuan held the phone and was in no hurry to go back to the room.

slender fingers flipped back and forth in the album.


His little girl doesn't seem to have taken pictures with her mobile phone.

Then...he took a picture of her now?

The phone was muted, he walked over slowly and glanced at the sleeping little girl.

Sleeping face is quiet, soft and well-behaved.

Several fingerprints on his face have not completely disappeared.

The corner of his lips twitched, he took two steps forward, approached the little girl, and secretly took a photo of her.

Jiang Lihuan stared at the photo for a while, always feeling that something was wrong.

Immediately, he reached out and took another picture.

This time, the angle is just right.

His other hand also entered the camera.

The cold eyebrows and eyes are curved, and in a good mood, I set the photo I just took as the phone lock screen and wallpaper.

He stared at the phone for a while, then put it down contentedly.

Well, her phone hasn't been fixed yet.

His cell phone, she continued to carry it.

Therefore, it is normal to set a picture of her on the lock screen and wallpaper.

Jiang Lihuan got up and turned off the light, then turned around and entered the next room.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes full of smiles.

First night, no rush.

Next time, he will hold her to sleep again.

The next day.

Cha Cha rubbed his hazy eyes and turned over as usual.

When    sat up from the bed, she looked stunned.

immediately realized one thing.

This is Jiang Lihuan's room!

She she she... She fell asleep last night, Jiang Lihuan didn't call her?


What about Jiang Lihuan?


Seventh shift, good night~

(end of this chapter)