Chapter 386: Sweet green plums (35)

Chapter 386 Green plum sweet and sweet (35)

Cha Cha blinked and was stunned for a while.

Until the door was knocked a few times.

Only then did she regain her senses, and crawled up from the bed to open the door.

Seeing Jiang Lihuan standing outside the door, the little girl panicked.

"You last night..."

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Lihuan said calmly, "There are many rooms in the house."

Chacha nodded.

understood what he meant, last night, he slept in the guest room.

She murmured a little embarrassedly.

"Actually you can wake me up..."

Jiang Lihuan lowered his eyes and shook his head, "You slept soundly last night, it's not suitable to wake you up."

Besides, he was reluctant to call her.

"Breakfast is ready, go and wash up."

He said very naturally.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

When she turned around and entered her room, she looked back at Jiang Lihuan again.

murmured vaguely.

"You will spoil me like this..."

He didn't let her do anything, even making up a class, she fell on his bed and slept for one night, which caused him to go to the guest room to sleep.

Early in the morning, he prepared breakfast again.

Chacha washes and reflects on himself.

"Qiqi, I think I have to study hard and come back to teach him to make up for it a little."

[Well, that makes sense. 】

Oh, the host finally wants to understand that it is necessary to study hard. As a system, it naturally supports it, although it is because of Jiang Lihuan that he is ready to study hard.

But that's okay... The process doesn't matter, the reason doesn't matter, the important thing is to study hard, that's right.


in the car.

Cha Cha sat next to Jiang Lihuan and yawned again.

"Did you not sleep last night?"

Jiang Lihuan asked softly, staring at her little face.

Chacha shook his head, "No, I slept well last night, probably because of insomnia the other day."

Speaking of which, I really slept well last night.

Is it because Jiang Lihuan's bed is more comfortable than hers?

Qiqi followed her nonsense without blushing, [...Yes, that's how it is! Since his bed is more comfortable and yours is not comfortable, you can change beds. 】

Chacha, "I'm so sorry, it's so troublesome."

Jiang Lihuan's expression tightened, "Why didn't I hear you mention insomnia?"

All along, the little girl was very lively in front of him, either holding snacks or sugar.

He lowered his eyes slightly, lost in thought.

Chacha shook his head, not thinking that insomnia was a big deal.

"It's okay, just insomnia."

Obviously, she didn't care.

Jiang Lihuan recited in a low voice, "That's it?" For the first time, the cold ink eyes were a little dark.

Perhaps his voice was too low for Cha Cha to hear clearly.

She lowered her head, took out a small snack from her pocket, and ate happily as usual.

looks like a carefree child.

for a moment.

Jiang Lihuan found his mobile phone and handed it to Cha Cha, his voice was light, and there was no special emotion.

"You left your phone on my bed in the morning and forgot to take it."

The driver who was driving, "..."

Is the little master moving so fast?

He glanced back in astonishment.

I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that the little master would actually kidnap the little girl?

Chacha hugged the snacks and looked at the phone, "Then you put it in my pocket."


Slender fingers with distinct phalanxes put the phone in her pocket.

's cold eyes flashed with surprise.

There doesn't seem to be anything in her pocket, so where did her snacks come from?

Did he miss something?

(end of this chapter)